Bjug Day Mug

Thank you for having such a big heart for PLU! As an employee donor, you have shown just how committed you are to the success of our students.

Traditionally the University Relations team delivers Bjug mugs to employee donors on campus prior to Bjug Day. This year looked different, of course, however a small number of undated mugs ordered earlier in the year are available to employee donors who would like to “collect them all” or incorporate some “Give to What You Love” spirit into their remote or on-campus workspace.

By Nov. 6, please submit the form below to let us know if you would like to receive a mug. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll assume you don’t want one and save your mug for next year’s on-campus celebration. Mugs will be delivered via campus mail to your regular mail stop for pickup when you are on campus. You will receive an email after your mug is delivered.

Thank you once again for your generosity, hard work and dedication on behalf of PLU students. Thank you for making a difference as an employee and as an employee donor.

Thank you again for all you do for PLU and for showing your additional commitment to student success through giving!

If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Michelbach, Director of Annual Giving, at 253-535-7178 or