Vehicle Crimes Warning

Alert Type: Warning

Start Time: Oct 22, 2018 @ 11:00am

End Time: Undetermined

The general Parkland area, to include PLU, continues to experience an increase in car prowls and vehicle theft incidents. Vehicle related crimes tend to occur in multiples. In one night there can be multiple incidents perpetrated by one individual.

Currently the car prowls tend to be focused on upper campus. Although lower campus has experienced some. Incidents have occurred in the early morning hours and during mid-mornings on normal business days.


  • Don’t leave items of any value inside your vehicle (especially in view)
    • When a car prowler finds success they tend to return to the area and victimize other cars
  • To prevent theft of the vehicle use an anti-theft device (such as a “Club”) and/or an alarm
  • If you store your car on campus be sure to check it periodically for damage/theft
    • Narrowing the time frame down for incidents can help with the investigation
  • If you see suspicious activity contact Campus Safety
    • Watch for individuals wandering around the parking lot, looking into car windows, or walking back and forth appearing to have no purpose in the parking lot

Your extra vigilance and attention to crime prevention tactics is appreciated.

Campus Safety – (253) 535-7441