The Endowment's Role

The Scandinavian Cultural Center Endowment Fund is administered by Pacific Lutheran University and enables us to:

  • Broaden the scope of our mission to preserve and promote Nordic heritage at PLU and in the community.
  • Expand the number of educational/cultural programs and exhibits.
  • Sponsor artists and speakers from the Nordic countries.
  • Provide educational/cultural grants to deserving students and Nordic organizations.
  • Provide for staffing needs to support the director.
  • Make improvements to the Center.
  • Strengthen public relations and publicity efforts.
  • Procure Nordic artifacts and archival materials.

Secure Online Processing!

To make a donation in support of the Scandinavian Cultural Center, you can use your credit card for easy on-line processing through the Advancement Office. Be sure to designate the SCC Endowment Fund in the comment section.

How you can help

Where there is a will, there is a way… to make a charitable deferred gift. In most cases it is a simple bequest that states either an amount or a percentage of the estate should go to one’s favorite charity. If the Scandinavian Cultural Center is a meaningful part of your life, you may want to consider a deferred gift in your estate planning. There are various ways to make a deferred gift in addition to a bequest in one’s will. Some people use life insurance, making the charity a full or partial beneficiary of the policy. If the charity is made the owner as well as the beneficiary of the policy, there can be tax benefits as well.

Another technique is to make the charity a full or partial beneficiary of one’s IRA account. More and more, people are including charitable donations in their estate plans. If you have questions as to how best to proceed, check with your attorney or accountant. For questions regarding tax benefits of some of the deferred gift techniques or other ways to support the Scandinavian Cultural Center, contact University Relations by phone (253-535-7177) or by email (

PLU is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions received will be credited for the fiscal year received (June-May) and are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

If you’d like to make a direct contribution to the SCC Endowment Fund, please send your check made payable to PLU and indicate the SCC Endowment in the notes section to the address below:

Pacific Lutheran University
Office of Advancement
12180 Park Avenue South
Tacoma, WA 98447-0003