Marvin O. Loftness – In Memoriam

May 7, 2014

Marvin O. Loftness died October 17, 2013.

At PLU, Marv met Nancy (Lund ’45) Loftness, and they were married in 1943. He served as an Army Air Corps radio instructor-technician during WWII, and he moved into a position after the war with the Federal Aviation Administration, for whom he worked at several FAA stations in Hawaii and in other Midwest and Northwest states. In 1957 he was employed by the Bonneville Power Administration, and upon retirement in 1975 was the District Engineer for the Olympia district. Marv had been a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church of Olympia, Wash., since 1957. He was preceded in death by his beloved son Donald. Surviving are his wife of 70 years, Nancy; sons Steven and Rand; daughters Kim and Jan; grandson Per; granddaughters Taryn Loftness ’01, Kelsey Loftness ’04, Bryn and Chanelle; and sisters Camilla (Loftness ’50) Humphrey and Sonya.

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May 7, 2014