Where Can I Get Help?

If you, or someone you know is experiencing depression or considering committing suicide, know that you are not alone.  Below are some resources that are available.

On The Web:

Jed Foundation – Mental Health Resource Center

American Association of Suicidology

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Confidential Depression Screening Test

Depression Screening – Mental Health America

National Strategy for Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

On Campus:

Counseling Services– Anderson University Center, Suite 300

Campus Ministry – Anderson University Center, Room 190

Health Services – Corner of 121st Street South & Park Avenue

Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability – Anderson University Center
Room 150

Smartphone Apps:

ReliefLink (free download at the iTunes store)

  • App includes mood tracking, reminders and safety plans.
  • Location aware for finding the nearest hospitals and mental health treatment centers.
  • Includes personalized coping mechanisms and assistance for finding therapists and support groups.

Virtual Hope Box (VHB) (iTunes and Google Play)

  • App contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking.
  • Provides positive activity planning, distraction tools, and interactive relaxation exercises including guided imagery, controlled breathing and muscle relaxation.

International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

  • Site contains list of many other apps that may be useful around the globe.