Post-Baccalaureate Professional Business Certificates

The post- baccalaureate professional business certificates are intended for those who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding in a specific area of business.  Applicants must have either completed an undergraduate degree in Business or have relevant industry experience in the area of study.

Each certificate consists of eight credits and courses are offered in six week terms during the summer (late May to mid-August). Classes meet twice a week in the evenings.

Certificates are available in:

Schedule an Appointment

Speak to a Graduate Admissions Counselor for options about taking summer business classes.

How to Apply

To apply, please contact Graduate Admission directly.

Applications are accepted in the Spring on a rolling basis. Once a completed application has been submitted, processing takes two to three weeks.


School of Business Professional Post-Baccalaureate certificates are offered in the summer at a summer tuition rate of $$1,030 for each credit. Each certificate consists of eight credits for a total of $8,240.