Performance Progression Alert (PPA)

A Performance Progression Alert may be issued to students who are not performing at a satisfactory level in the classroom or in clinical, who are at risk for unsatisfactory performance, who are not meeting the Essential Qualifications, or not performing to academic, clinical, lab, or professional standards at any point in the academic term and program of study. The Performance Progression Alert will specify the nature of the performance concern, criteria for satisfactory performance, the timeline for achieving expected improvements, and consequences for failure to improve. The notice will be signed by the issuing faculty member and the student. The original signed form is placed in the student’s School of Nursing academic file. Communication regarding the notice will be submitted by the issuing faculty member to the following School of Nursing personnel: Academic Advisor; Chair of RAP committee; Associate Director of Advising, Admission, and Student Support; School of Nursing Dean; and as appropriate, Lead Course Faculty and/or level/track faculty as appropriate.

Deficiencies are categorized as minor and/or major based on the severity of the event. Major violations will result in immediate notification to the School of Nursing Dean. Three separate minor and/or a single major occurrences during the program of study will result in a review by the RAP committee and/or the Dean of Nursing and may result in dismissal from the School of Nursing. Any occurrences that place the client, self, or others in potential immediate danger will result in immediate review by the Dean.