Textbook Policy

The program-specific Curriculum Instruction Committees (CIC) maintain records of the textbooks and resources used in courses throughout the nursing program. Faculty are required to submit to their program-specific CIC revisions for required textbooks and learning materials as soon as possible and whenever possible in advance of the university deadline for textbook orders. Examples of learning materials include: computer simulation, online learning modules, etc. Revisions that are limited to new editions of same text are expected and not required to be submitted for approval. For courses in which the same text is used, faculty are expected to consult with one another prior to submitting a recommended change.”

Textbook orders to the bookstore are required to be submitted by the nationally determined date (for summer and fall semesters, April 1, for j-term, spring semester, October 1st). Any changes for the following semester must be submitted to the program-specific CIC and then to SNO before this date. See Resource/Textbook Change Form (see link below) and also available on the SoN Faculty Sakai site.

CIE, May 13, 2015
Approved by SNO May 27, 2015; Update Aug 2017