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Fraudulent E-mails Offering Employment

Feb 4, 2019 @ 3:30pm

Alert Type: Information

Campus Safety has been advised by multiple students that they have received emails purporting to offer employment through a department called Disability Resources and Educational Services. The subject line is “Job Opportunity for Students” These e-mails are fraudulent, they seek to obtain personal information through a false application process. DO NOT open or respond to...

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Early release for students, faculty and nonessential staff

Feb 4, 2019 @ 10:23am

Alert Type: Snow

PLU is releasing students, faculty and nonessential staff at 2 p.m. today due to inclement weather.  Nonessential crews with earlier start times will also be released 3 hours early. Conditions have not improved and snowy and icy roads are expected for the commute home. Facilities staff deemed essential will remain on campus until 4 p.m....

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Hoax Bomb Threat Email Alert

Dec 13, 2018 @ 6:00pm

Alert Type: Information

A variety of PLU email addresses have received hoax bomb threat emails. Many organizations and schools across the United States have also been targeted. The email demands Bit Coins as payment. The FBI has investigated and determined these emails are not a credible threat. So far, the hoax emails have been caught in the PLU...

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Residence Hall Thefts

Dec 4, 2018 @ 9:00am

Alert Type: Information

Campus Safety has been advised of multiple thefts from residence hall rooms over the last few weeks. The thefts appear to have occurred after rooms have been left unoccupied and unlocked. Items that have been reported stolen include cash, credit cards and some jewelry. It is not uncommon to experience thefts in the residence halls...

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Community Alert – Scam Emails

Oct 31, 2018 @ 12:00pm

Alert Type: Warning

Campus Safety has been advised by multiple students that they have received an email offering employment by a professor from another institution. In the email the person states they got the student’s name from “the chamber of commerce connected to your institutional recruiting department.” These are scam emails. Typically the scam works when the student...

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Vehicle Crimes Warning

Oct 22, 2018 @ 11:00am

Alert Type: Warning

The general Parkland area, to include PLU, continues to experience an increase in car prowls and vehicle theft incidents. Vehicle related crimes tend to occur in multiples. In one night there can be multiple incidents perpetrated by one individual. Currently the car prowls tend to be focused on upper campus. Although lower campus has experienced...

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PLU Community Notification – National Emergency Alert Test

Oct 1, 2018 @ 9:00am

Alert Type: Information

This is a campus-wide notification about an upcoming national emergency alert test. The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are conducting a nationwide test of the emergency alert system on Wednesday, 10/3/18 at 11:18am. This test will include the traditional television and radio interruptions, as well as an alert sent to...

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PLU Community Alert — Nearby Police Activity

Sep 18, 2018 @ 4:30pm

Alert Type: Warning

At approximately 4:30pm Campus Safety was made aware of police response to Parkland Auto Licensing on Garfield street near Pacific avenue. The business reported an armed robbery had just occurred. Reports suggested the suspect committed the robbery before fleeing North away from campus where they were believed to have gotten into a vehicle and left...

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PLU Community Alert — Car Prowl Incidents

Sep 11, 2018 @ 4:00pm

Alert Type: Information

This week there have been 4 reported instances of car prowls on or immediately adjacent to campus. Car prowling is a common crime where there are large concentrations of parked cars. A college campus is similar to shopping malls and apartment complexes where this activity is also common. They are difficult crimes to prevent but...

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Community Alert

Sep 6, 2018 @ 8:00pm

Alert Type: Information

Please be advised that local law enforcement is involved in an incident on 134th St S. and Pacific Ave. Police have the situation contained and under control, but please avoid that area until further notice.

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