Holocaust and Genocide Studies Courses, 2023-2024

The German Entry into Nabeul, Tunisia, December 1942 by Rafael Uzan, 1988.
The German Entry into Nabeul, Tunisia, December 1942 by Rafael Uzan, 1988.

HGST Courses Summer 2023

Course Number and TitleClass time
ENGL 216: Holocaust Memoir6/05-6/30 asynchronous online
RELI 236: Native American Religious Traditions6/05-6/30 asynchronous online

HGST Courses Fall 2023

Course Number and TitleClass time
ENGL 217: Refugee LiteraturesTR 1:45-3:30
ENGL 217: Native American LiteraturesTR 11:50-1:35
ENGL 397: The Holocaust in the American ImaginationMW 1:45-3:30
HGST 200: Introduction to Holocaust and Genocide StudiesTR 9:55-11:40
HIST 289/HGST 287: Africa and the HolocaustTR 11:50-1:35
HIST 360: History of the HolocaustTR 3:40-5:25
HIST 333: Colonization and Genocide in Native North AmericaTR 1:45-3:30
HISP 301: Hispanic Voices for Social Change
*Prerequisite: HISP 202
TR 11:50-1:35
NAIS 250: Introduction to Native American & Indigenous StudiesMWF 1:45-2:50
RELI 230/HGST 287: Religion and GenocideTR 11:50-1:35

Holocaust & Genocide Studies Courses, 2021-2022

Ceija Stojka picture
Ceija Stojka, "Untitled" 1995. Credit: Ceija Stojka/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Bildrecht, Vienna; Collection of Nuna & Hojda Stojka; Ceija Stojka International Fund, Vienna

HGST Electives J-Term 2022

Course Number and TitleClass Time
ENGL 217: Contemporary Narratives of the Armenian GenocideTWRF 0830-1120
NAIS 250: Introduction to Native American & Indigenous StudiesTR 1130-1350 BL on campus

HGST Electives Spring 2022

Course Number and TitleClass time
ART 383: Remembrance & Resistance in ArtMW 1:45-3:30
ENGL 190/217: “Who Owns Auschwitz?” Holocaust LiteratureTR 9:55-11:40
ENGL 397: The Holocaust in the American Literary ImaginationMW 1:45-3:30
HISP 301: Hispanic Voices for Social Change
*Prerequisite: HISP 202
TR 9:55-11:40
RELI 237: JudaismTR 11:50-1:35
SOLU 101: Southern Lushootseed: Introduction to Oral LanguageTR 11:50-1:35
Butterfly on Barbed Wire