Employee Giving
Employee giving is about sharing in a common mission, and it’s an important measure of our collective commitment when the university is applying for outside grants from corporations and foundations. Your participation and involvement is what matters! All gifts, of any size and to any area of the university contribute to our employee giving rate.
A high employee giving rate reflects a vote of confidence in the mission of PLU, helps build a strong foundation for our future, and sets us up to apply for necessary grant dollars. Your participation — at any level — helps students get jobs on campus, brings students to PLU who could not otherwise afford a college education, provides opportunities for students to study in other countries, and support you, our dedicated faculty and staff.
Give by Payroll Deduction
Easily make your gift to PLU through automatic payroll deductions
Payroll Deduction FormThank You!
We cannot thank you enough for all you do to make PLU a wonderful place! If you still have questions or would like more information about giving, please feel free to contact the Advancement Office.