Endowments are unique. They are financial pillars that live on forever, providing generous support to students and faculty for generations to come. Legacy List: Endowments at PLU is a collection of funds that provide a wide range of academic programs and meaningful experiences at PLU. The friends, alumni, employees and donors who have made these endowments possible allow students and faculty to excel, explore, and cultivate lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care.
Travis and Shirley Aikin Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Stanley O. and Clarice O. Akerson Endowed Scholarship
PLU Alumni Scholarship Endowment
Andy and Irene Anderson Endowed Scholarship for Nursing
Florence Spinner Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Hazel M. Anderson Endowed Scholarship
Julius and Jean Anderson Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Loren and MaryAnn Anderson Wang Center Student-Faculty Research Fund
Loren J. and MaryAnn W. Anderson Global Scholar Grants funded by the Loren J. and MaryAnn W. Anderson Global Scholarship Endowment Fund
Mary Elaine and Erling Anderson Scholarship
Tom and Kathryn Anderson Endowed Scholarship
Vivian L. Anderson Endowed Gap Scholarship
William and Jeanie Anderson Endowed Scholarship
Olive Anderson-Aust and Gerald Aust Endowed Scholarship
Faye M. Anderson-Van Beek Endowed Scholarship for Community and Volunteer Service
Andrews Family Endowed Scholarship
Ruth Anenson Memorial Scholarship
Ankrim-Miller Endowed Scholarship
Anthropology Alumni Award Endowment
Mary Jane Aram Endowed Scholarship
Donna Arbaugh Scholarship in Environmental Studies
George and Donna Arbaugh Family Endowment for Philosophy
George Arbaugh Philosophy Scholarship
Clifford & Lydia Arntson Endowed Scholarship
Hedvig Arthur Memorial Endowed Scholarship
AURA / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Esther Westby Aus Education Scholarship Fund
Marguerite and Wilmer Baer Endowed Scholarship
Elbert H. Baker II and Janice M. Baker Endowed Music Scholarship
The Bangsund Family Scholarship
Bank of America Foundation Scholarship
The Barbo Family Wild Hope Program Endowment
Vilis M. Barevics President’s Scholarship
R. Gary Baughn MFS Investment Fund
Don F. and Ruth E. Bayer Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Peter and Lydia Beckman Endowed Scholarship in History
Dr. William Becvar Theatre Scholarship
Paul M. Bellamy Endowed Music Scholarship
Linda P. BeMiller Scholarship to Encourage the Pursuit of Personal Philanthropy
Dr. Carl and Myra Bennett Endowment
Alfred and Virginia Benson Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Clifton E. and Edith M. Benson Scholarship for the Visually Impaired
Mike and Mary Benson Men’s Tennis Endowment
Berg Endowed Scholarship Fund
Agnes Berge Smith Music Scholarship
Clenora E. Berge Nursing Scholarship
Charles Bergman and Susan Mann Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship
David and Carolee (Chindgren) Berntsen Endowed Scholarship
Bilbrough Family Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Alfred and Alice Bishop Memorial Scholarship
Lynne A. Biteman Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Blake-Webber Endowed Scholarship
Frieda R. Blandau Endowed Scholarship
Luther and Dilie Quale Boe Endowed Education Scholarship
Erwin F. and Alice C. Bolduan Endowed Scholarship
Vanda Bortell Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Walter and Jeanette Braafladt Church Music Scholarship
Havana Bradner Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Lt. Brian N. Bradshaw Memorial Scholarship
Jorunn Breiland Endowed Student Scholarship
Agnes J. Brodahl Memorial Music Scholarship
Betty Brown Memorial Business Scholarship
The Stanley and Terryl Brue Endowed Scholarship
Stanley and Terryl Brue Travel Abroad Scholarship in Economics
Stanley and Terryl Brue Faculty-Student Activities Fund for Economics
Stanley and Terryl Brue Travel Abroad Scholarship for Social Sciences
Buchanan Family Endowed Scholarship
Erhardt and Virginia Buchfinck Endowed Scholarship in Education
Chester Buhl Endowed Vocal Music Scholarship
Jacob and Lorene Burback Endowed Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Burns Scholarship
Pam and Jack Burns Clinical Nursing Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Burns Burzlaff Memorial Scholarship
School of Business Administration Endowed Chair Fund
Dr. Howard Llywellyn Byerly Math and Science Education Endowment
Jack Cady Promise Scholarship
Isolde Cameron Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Medicine and Nursing Students
Cory Kenneth Carlson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Ruth F. Carlson Endowed Nursing Award
Thomas O. Carlson Natural Sciences Endowed Research Support Fund
B.G. “Bob” Carroll Memorial Scholarship
Anna and Helen Cary Endowed Faculty/Student Research Fund
Comprehensive Gerontologic Education Partnership Endowment
Pak Joe Chan Endowed Scholarship
The Ming Yee Chen Endowed Scholarship for Future Teachers
Edward and Alene Christiansen Scholarship for Nursing
Walter H. Christensen Endowed Scholarship
Jean Christianson-Wolfe Scholarship
Ruth A. Christian Endowed Scholarship for Education
Kenneth Christopherson and Walter Pilgrim Endowed Scholarship in Religion
Dr. Timothy K. and Irene L. Chung Scholarship
Class of 1958 50th Reunion Meant to Live Endowment
Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship
Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship
Class of 1967 Endowed Scholarship
Earl K. Clemens Endowed Scholarship
Hulda Cocanower Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Collard Family Scholarship Fund
Comprehensive Gerontologic Education Partnership Endowment
Computer Science Endowed Scholarship
Dorothy and Powell Cone Memorial / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Donald E. and Maxine R. Cornell Endowed Scholarship
Irene O. Creso Endowed Merit Scholarship
Chuck Curtis Memorial Endowment for Athletics
Professor David P. Dahl Endowed Music Scholarship
E. John and Lorene E. Dahlberg, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Margaret Melver Dakan Endowed Scholarship
Dalk Memorial Scholarship
Peter G. and Helen E. Danielsen President’s Discretionary Fund
George L. Davis / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Business Scholarship
Harold B. and Frances S. Dawson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Deal Family Endowed Scholarship in the Liberal Arts
The DesVoigne Scholarship
Thomas Dixon Endowed Scholarship Fund at PLU
Michael Doolittle Endowed Scholarship
Bryan and Celine Dorner Mathematics Scholarship
Ronald and Margaret Douglass Endowed Scholarship
Earl E. and Martha L. Eckstrom Endowed Scholarship
Kathy Edlund Memorial Scholarship
Capt. W. Larry and Mrs. Janice D. Eichler Scholarship
The Rev. and Mrs. E.E. Eidbo Endowed Scholarship
Leif Eie Endowed Scholarship
Phyllis L. Heinz Ekstrom Music Scholarship
Nancy Elken Memorial Scholarship for Nurses
T. Leslie Elliott Fund
Katherine Olsen Ericksen Nursing Endowment
Carl and Ethel and Carl R. (Bob) Erickson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Ernst & Young Endowed Scholarship
Gerry and Linda Evanson/Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Gloria Grove Everson Endowed Scholarship
A. I. Eyring Liberal Arts Endowed Scholarship
Fairbanks Lutheran Church Scholarship
Faith Lutheran Church of Portland Scholarship
Donald R. Farmer Memorial Endowment
Theresa Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
Donna Lee Fisher Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Phylaine V. and Kenneth L. Folson Endowed Scholarship
Football Coach’s Discretionary Fund
Football Program Endowment
Norman Forness Endowment for Alumni Relations
Fosness Memorial Leadership Scholarship
June and Julian Foss Endowment
Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Foss Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Jeannette Fowler Educational Fund
Martha Fox Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Roland and Annette Funk Endowed Scholarship
Alan and Ann Gaines Study Away Endowment
Gates Foundation Global Scholar Initiative
Richard E. and Lorraine K. Geiger Endowed Scholarship
General Endowment Fund
Allen & Bertha Gibson Endowed Scholarship
John M. Gilbertson Foundation Scholarship
Bertha Gilbertson Scholarship
Gordon O. Gilbertson Instrumental Music Education Scholarship
Muffet Gilpin Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Wesley E. and Rosemary Gladow Endowed Scholarship
The Kathryn Eide Glick Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Global Scholars Initiative
Paul H. Gomulkiewicz Endowed Scholarship
Edna M. Gorder / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship for Students of Education
George E. and Linda C. Gordon Athletic/Recreation Endowment Fund
Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca, Peterson and Daheim Law and Community Service Scholarship
Alice and Stewart Govig Endowed Scholarship
Grace Lutheran Church Bellevue Endowed Scholarship
Clarence A. and Olga Grahn Endowed Scholarship
Otis J. Grande/Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship in Education
Margaret Greenwood Endowed Scholarship for Gerontologic Nursing Education
Fern R. Grimm / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Grogan Family Endowed Scholarship
Aurelius Augustinus “AA” and Esther Peterson Gronberg Endowed Scholarship
Christopher Grouse Memorial Scholarship in Computer Science
Norbert and Sonia Grove Scholarship
Gulsrud Family Endowed Scholarship
Donald C. and Virginia S. Haas Endowed Scholarship Fund
Haavik-Hartvigson Endowed Chair in Education
Gary L. Habedank Scholarship Fund
Arnold J. Hagen Memorial Endowed Education Scholarship
Maria Hageness Endowed Scholarship
Frank Haley Memorial Endowment Fund
Frank H. and Nellie L. Haley Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Arthur H. and Jennie Lee Hansen Memorial Scholarship
Arthur H. and Jennie Lee Hansen Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Johanne Marie Hansen Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Nels Marcus Hansen Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Rolph Hanson Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Rolph and Betsy Hanson Endowed Scholarship
Brian Harshman Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Marv and Dorothy Harshman Endowed Scholarship
Bjug Harstad Lectureship Fund
Bjug Harstad Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Bjug Harstad Memorial Fund
Jack Hatlen Memorial Scholarship
P. E. Hauge Endowed Scholarship
Virginia Grahn and Iver M. Haugen Global Study Opportunity Endowed Scholarship
Tom & Tyne Haukebo Memorial Endowed Scholarship
PLU Endowed Health Center Fund
Walter Health Charitable Trust Endowed Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth T. Hensel Endowed Scholarship
Doug Herland Memorial Crew Endowment
Earl and Astrid Hildahl Endowed Scholarship
Hildebrand Library Endowment Fund
The Loren Hildebrand Endowed Scholarship in Business
Oscar T. and Olivann Hokold Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Gil Holland & Margaret Thompson Holland Endowed Scholarship
James D. Holloway Music Scholarship
The Hoover Family Endowed Scholarship
John Hopper Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Caroline C. Hovland Endowed Scholarship
The Edward W. and Dr. Curtis E. Huber Memorial Scholarship
Laurence D. and Bonny M. Huestis Endowment for Faculty/Student Summer Research in Chemistry
Kenneth and Irene Hultgren Nursing Scholarship
Humanities Division Endowment Fund
PLU / SE Idaho Scholarship
Suzanne Ingram Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Terry Irvin Memorial Scholarship
Islam Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Lyle and Iris Jacobson Endowed Scholarship
J. Reynold (Mike) Jacobson Endowed Scholarship
Ole M. Jennestad Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Donald L. Jerke Leadership Award
The Mathew Jibbensmith Endowed Scholarship
Richard Jobst Endowed Scholarship
Agnes S. Johnson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
E. Johnson & J. Alfsen Endowed Scholarship
Edwin R. Johnson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Luther H. Johnson/Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship in Business Administration
Pearl N. Johnson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship for Student Nurses
Per and Anna Johnson and Ed and Hildur Larson Scholarship
Ted and Doreen Johnson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Scholarship in Natural Sciences
Ted and Doreen Johnson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship in Physics
T.L. Johnson Sr./Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship in Electrical Engineering
Dr. Kenneth A. Johnston Endowed Scholarship in Education
Stella Jorgensen Endowed Scholarship
Jungkuntz Lectureship Fund
Katherine Kandel and Elizabeth Oleksak Scholarship for the Women’s Center
Theodore O. H. and Betsy Karl Endowed Scholarship Fund
Theodore O.H. and Elizabeth Karl Scandinavian Cultural Center Endowed Scholarship
Lind B. Karlsen Music Scholarship
Phillip G. and Alice L. Kayser Endowed Scholarship
Ann Kelleher Global Studies Scholarship
Elizabeth B. Kelley Endowed Scholarship Fund
Kennedy Family Scholarship
Barry Kensrud Memorial Scholarship
Key Bank of Washington Endowed School of Business Scholarship
Gundar J. and Valda K. King Endowed Scholarship
The HM King Harald V Endowment for Student Exchange in Norway
King Zulauf Endowed Fund in honor of Drs. Gundar King and Dwight Zulauf
Sylvia Kirkebo Endowed Scholarship
Lars and Alberta Kittleson Endowed Scholarship
Dick & Joanne Klein Scandinavian Center Endowment Fund
Klett Family Memorial Trust
Kluth Endowment for High Achievers in Athletics and Physical Fitness Scholarship
Dr. Calvin and Mrs. Sandra Knapp Memorial Piano Scholarship
Knudsen Family Endowed Scholarship
David and Marilyn Knutson Endowed Lectureship in Religion
The Einer and Ruby Knutzen Endowed Scholarship
Gladys M. Knutzen Memorial MBA Scholarship
Gary and Mavis Koch Endowed Scholarship
Allan and Mary Kollar Endowed Scholarship Fund
Heather Koller/Paul Menzel Endowed Lectureship Fund
John S. and Edna M. Korsmo Endowed Scholarship
Hilda S. Kramer Music Appreciation Endowment Scholarship
Dr. Robert Alan Krause Memorial Scholarship
Gus Kravas Scholarship Fund
The Elizabeth Ann Bradt Krise Memorial Scholarship
The Patricia L. and Thomas W. Krise Endowed Internship Fund
Thomas W. and Patricia L. Krise Endowed “GAP” Scholarship
Thomas W. and Patricia L. Krise Endowed Study Away Scholarship
Howard, Eugenia and Jon Kvinsland Endowed Scholarship
Louis Lamp Memorial Endowed Scholarship
R. James Lane Endowment for Music
George Lanning Memorial / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Dr. John O. Larsgaard / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Betty and Edgar Larson Swedish Heritage Fund
Dr. Charles Larson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Science Scholarship
Ebba and E. Arthur Larson Nursing Scholarship
Ludvig and Clara Larson Endowed Scholarship
Robert E. Larson Endowment
The Charles Laubach Student Research and Equipment Fund
Laubach Family Endowed Faculty/Student Science Research
John and Mary Lee Endowed Organ Scholarship
Glenn Lee Library Endowment Fund
Orlando and Myrtle Lee/Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Guy J. and Louise Leesman Endowed Scholarship
Raphael Lemkin Prize / Endowment Fund
LHC (Lyman Claridge) Endowed Scholarship Fund
Lider Family Education Endowment
Paul Liebelt Endowed Scholarship
Monica Sara Lightell Memorial Scholarship
Ernest and Jennie Liming and Art and Ethel Cummings Endowed Memorial Scholarship
W.H. Lindberg Trust Scholarship
Hildred Linder Endowment Fund
Richard E. and Anita Hillesland Londgren / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Norman and Helen Lorentzsen Endowed Scholarship
Brian Lowes Endowed Field Geology Fund
Jill & Earl Luebker Endowment for Intercollegiate Athletics
Alfred and Althea Lund / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Mary Lund Davis Endowment for Global Education
Gene and Marian Lundgaard Endowed Scholarship
Lute Legacy Endowed Scholarship
Luther Memorial Church/Louise Schreiber Memorial Scholarship
Lutheran Brotherhood Endowment Challenge Grant
Lutheran Brotherhood Sustaining Scholarship Fund
Lutheran Leadership Award
Chair in Lutheran Studies
Constance R. Lyon Endowed Scholarship
Lindsay A. Majovski Endowed Scholarship
Dorothy and Wilbur Mancke Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth and Thomas Mansell and daughter Moira Scholarship Fund
Joe Marchinek Memorial Scholarship
Marshall-Kelley Kama’aina Endowed Scholarship
Mathematics Endowed Scholarship
The Natalie Mayer Holocaust and Genocide Studies Visiting Scholar and Artist Endowed Fund
Kurt Mayer Endowed Chair in Holocaust Studies
James B. Maylon Fund
Alice Knutzen McCracken Endowed Scholarship
McElroy Endowment
Angela Meade Vocal Competition Endowment
Nancy Claire Meader International Scholarship Fund
Mehlum Family Endowment
Alma Meisnest Endowed Scholarship
Meisnest Unrestricted Endowment
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Donald R. Miller School of Business Dean’s Fund
Fred Mills Memorial Endowed Basketball Scholarship
Lila Moe Scholarship
Richard D. Moe Concert Series
Richard D. Moe Scholarship in the Arts
Richard D. Moe Endowment For the Arts
Eunice Moller Endowed Scholarship
Katharine Monroe Endowed Scholarship Fund
Forestine Wise Monsen Memorial Piano Scholarship
Erling O. Mork Scholarship for Excellence in Leadership and Diversity
Brenda and Randy Morris Endowed Scholarship for Business
Lillian C. Morris Endowed Scholarship
Gladys Mortvedt Voluntary Service Award Scholarship
Mortvedt Library Endowment Fund
Murray-Danielson Management Award
Christmas Concert Endowed Music Scholarship
Mark E. and Lenore G. Myers Scholarship
Names Family Endowment for Athletics
The Names Family Foundation Endowment for Intercollegiate Basketball in honor of James Van Beek
Natural Sciences Undergraduate Research Endowment
Richard P. and Shirley M. Neils Memorial Scholarship
Pastor Carl O. and Edith W. Nelson Scholarship
George and Alma Nelson Scholarship
Harold and Sylvia Nelson Endowed Scholarship Fund
Nerland Endowed Norwegian Scholarship
Andreas and Ingrid Ness Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Helen L. Ness Endowed Scholarship
Milton and Hazel Nesvig International Scholarship
Thelma Newton Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Gus H. Nieman Memorial Scholarship
Margaret P. Nistad Scholarship
Robert A. Nistad Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Nan Nokleberg/Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowment Scholarship
Nordholm Endowed Theatre Fund
Northern Lights Fund
Norway/Namibia Endowment
The Nupen Family Nursing Scholarship
The Odberg Family Scholarship
Odberg Family Science Endowment
Robert C. Olsen Chemistry Fund
Brian C. Olson Memorial Scholarship
Clifford O. and Ella L. Olson Endowed Memorial Athletic/Music Scholarship
Goodwin and Dorothy H. Olson Endowed Scholarship in Education
Linda N. Olson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Robert E. and Sue Olson Memorial Scholarship
Burton T. Ostenson Memorial Endowment
Richard and Lynn Ostenson Endowed Scholarship
Judy Williams Packard Endowed Scholarship
Shereen Paff Special Education Scholarship
Robert and Myrtle Parker Endowed Scholarship
Terrence and Susan Parr Endowment for Art, Publishing, and English
Katherine R. Parrish Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
O.M. and Emilie R. Pedersen Scholarship
Arne and Gloria Pederson Endowed Scholarship in Education
Rena Strandberg Pellegrini Endowed President’s Scholarship
Ethan Thomas Pepin Memorial Scholarship
Barbara L. Perry-Haley & Ruth C. Perry Memorial Women’s Soccer Team Endowment
Lester and Evelyn Peter Endowed Scholarship
Carl Gustaf Peterson Memorial Scholarship
Norris Peterson Endowed Economics Scholarship
Sharon R. Peterson and Donna L. Fisher Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Sheryl Laubach Peterson / Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Blanch Pflaum Scholarship
The Dr. Jesse and Myrtle Pflueger Endowed Scholarship
Heike A. Phelps Memorial Scholarship
Karen Hille Phillips Presidential Scholarship
Karen Hille Phillips Regency Advancement Award Quasi Endowment
Karen Phillips Student-Faculty Research Fund in Nursing
Ken and Teri Phillips Endowed Soccer Fund
Plus Business Scholarship Fund
Bernice Polchow Endowed Scholarship
Nora J. Ponder Endowed Scholarship
Sergeant First Class Eugene Price “Red Feather” Endowed Scholarship Fund
Q Club Endowment Fund
Quello Family Memorial Scholarship
The Carol Sheffels Quigg Award for Excellence and Innovation
Edward Ramsdale Endowed Regent’s Scholarship
Anders and Emma Ramstad Award
The William Kvindlog and Betty Ann Ramstad Endowed Scholarship in Education
Marvin J. Ramstad Endowed Scholarship
Elmer E. and Mary Louise Rasmuson Scholarship for Students from Alaska
Margaret and Winfield Rasmussen Scholarship
Raymond Family Endowed Scholarship
Roger Reep Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Kathryn Reese Memorial Scholarship
Recreational Equipment, Inc. Scholarship
The Regents’ Endowment for Faculty Development
Robert and Jean Reid Family Foundation Scholarship in Nursing Leadership
Donald F. Reiman Endowed Scholarship
Simon and Marvel Reinbold Scholarship
Charlotte and Lucian Rice Endowed Scholarship
Justine Richards Endowed Student Emergency Fund
William O. Rieke Endowed Scholarship
Dr. William O. Rieke Leadership Award
Kelmer Roe Student/Faculty Research Fellowship
Hans Roning Endowed Scholarship
Ed and Margaret Rosin Memorial Scholarship
Rouse Memorial Scholarship
Clifford and Jille Rowe Journalism Scholarship
Joan Royce Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Stan Sanvel Rubin and Judith Kitchen Scholarship
Mary Baker Russell Music Scholarship Endowment
Russell Investments Endowed Business Scholarship
Sterling Rygg Endowment Fund
Dr. John A. and Virginia “Jimmie” Saffell Endowed Scholarship for Graduate Students
H. Mark Salzman Memorial Scholarship
Mark Salzman Memorial Endowment for Recreational Programs
Saugen Transfer Scholarships for the School of Business
Scandinavian Cultural Center Endowment Fund
Kevin D. Schafer Endowed Scholarship
Beatrice Scheele and Marie Scheele Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Al and Ella Scheibner Endowed Scholarship Fund
John A. Schiller and Aleen Linhardt Schiller Endowed Scholarship
Donna Parsons Schlitt Scholarship
The Walter C. Schnackenberg Memorial Lecture
Dr. David Schoening Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Walter and Joan Redman Schwindt Endowed Scholarship
Jerry Sells Scholarship
Norma Knutzen Sells Scholarship
Ralph and Ruth Severson Endowed Scholarship
Severtson Social Science Student/Faculty Research Program
Sharing in Strength Endowed Scholarship Fund
Margaret Shipley Endowed Accounting Scholarship
Kenneth and Margaret Siegele Endowed Scholarship
Donald E. Simmons, MD & Barbara A. Simmons Endowed Scholarship for Pre-Medicine Students
The Skaga Family Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Maurice & Patricia Skones Vocal Music Endowed Scholarship
James Slater Endowed Scholarship Fund
James R. Slater Biology-ROTC Scholarship
Smith Education Endowment Scholarship
Reverend Joe E. Smith Endowed Scholarship
Charles and Etta Smithson Endowed Scholarship
Kirby Lee Snodgrass Endowment for the Sciences
Naydene A. Snodgrass Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Soine Family Endowed Scholarship
H.P. Sponheim Endowed Scholarship
William and Astrid Stancer Endowed Scholarship for Students of Engineering Science
Steele-Reese Foundation Endowed Scholarship
Lorilie Steen Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Ronald Steigerwalt Endowed Scholarship
Lynn S. and Ariadne B. Stein Scholarship
Genevieve Stelberg Endowed President’s Scholarship
The Dr. Charles E. and Lottie M. Stewart Endowed Scholarship
Bud Stinzi Endowed Scholarship
Miriam Irene Stoa Scholarship Fund
Strandholm Scandinavian Studies Scholarship
Dora Strangland Memorial Scholarship
Emil and Engelena Stuhlmiller Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Summer Scholars Endowed Scholarship
Lynne and H. Loyd Sutherland Scholarship
Svare-Toven Endowed Professorship in Norwegian & Scandinavian Studies
Roland and Isabelle Swanson Family Scholarship
Marvin O. Swenson Endowed Scholarship For Student Leaders
Tacoma Rainiers Community Fund Scholarship
K T Tang Faculty Research Award
Ron and Eileen Tellefson/Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Endowed Scholarship
Harvey and Helen Tengesdal Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Thorp Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Danielle and Brad Tilden Endowed Scholarship Fund
Donald Timm Endowed Scholarship
Edvin and Ida Tingelstad Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Leon and Doris Titus Endowed Scholarship in Business Administration
Alice T. and Marie C. Tobiason Endowed Scholarship
F. & D. Tobiason Environmental Studies & Project Endowment
Fred L. Tobiason Plant and Animal Sustainability Outdoor Learning Research Endowment
Dr. Fred L. Tobiason Endowment for Faculty/Student Science Research
Marvin and Carol Tommervik Memorial Endowment for Athletics
Evelyn Torvend Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Silas and Alice Torvend Endowed Scholarship
Cliff and Ronni Tvedten Endowed Scholarship
Tyler Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Ellen Stray Valle Memorial Scholarship
Jim Van Beek Endowed Gap Scholarship Fund
Linda Van Beek Memorial Scholarship
Roger and Beverly Vandiver Endowed Scholarship
Arthur H. Vingerud Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Roy and Gloria Virak Endowed Scholarship
Wade & Hinderlie Endowed Scholarship
Thomas B. and Ina H. Wake Memorial Scholarship
Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education Endowment
Warwick Family Scholarship
The Richard and Helen Weathermon Joyful Noise Endowment for Jazz Studies at PLU
Weathers Endowed Scholarship
Doc and Lucille Weathers Endowed Scholarship
West Coast Grocery SBA Endowed Scholarship
Rev. John Whiteneck and Rev. Joe Smith Generations for Peace Endowment
Stephen and Leslie Whyte Endowed Music Scholarship
Wick Family Endowed Scholarship
Margaret Wickstrom Endowed Scholarship for International Students
James S. Willis, Jr. Memorial Endowment for Music
Mabel Peterson Wing Scholarship
Gordon Winsley Scholarship Fund
Senator Shirley J. Winsley Endowed Scholarship in Political Science
PLU Women’s Club Endowed Scholarship
Shirley and David Wytko Endowed Scholarship
David C. Yagow Endowed Scholarship
Randall Yoakum Memorial Scholarship
Ralph and Celestene Yoder Memorial Scholarship
Helen G. Young Memorial Internship
Emilie Zulauf Endowed MBA Scholarship
Shirley Zurfluh Endowed Business Scholarship
Last updated: August 2019