Grad Gift

To the Class of 2017,

As your undergraduate career at PLU draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and to encourage you to think about how you will steward your education going into the future. As you face this transition, you will encounter new opportunities to invest in the communities around you. Some of you will do this financially. Others will invest time, energy and expertise. Some of you will do this through your work. Others among your neighbors, your faith community, your philanthropic efforts, and through your family and friends.

This year, Grad Gift is your gift. Commemorate your most valuable experience by making a monetary donation or by participating in a service project. All gifts this year, by each individual, will be directly given to a PLU program, scholarship, organization, academic division, extracurricular activity, club, office, or any other PLU affiliated entity you choose. The collective total will be the sum of the various gifts and service participation by the graduating class. In recognition that not all forms of philanthropy are financial or tangible, we will also honor graduates’ volunteer hours spent doing service projects, in addition to financial donations.

What is Grad Gift?

Grad Gift is a student-led program designed to foster class unity and philanthropy. During most years, this commitment is demonstrated through a financial gift. This year, you have the unique opportunity to demonstrate this commitment through a financial gift or by serving in the local community.  As a program centered on a philosophy of “Student Philanthropy,” Grad Gift is a collective contribution by the graduating class that serves as a legacy to the experiences of each individual’s time here at PLU. The Grad Gift helps to ensure that PLU will continue to thrive for current and future students through the engagement and gratitude of former students.

Give a gift!

All gifts this year, by each individual, will be directly given to a PLU program, scholarship, organization, academic division, extracurricular activity, club, office, or any other PLU affiliated entity you choose.

The list below highlights the areas of campus the Class of 2017 has donated to:

  • Women’s Frisbee Team
  • Classics Department
  • Student Scholarships
  • Hawai’i Club
  • Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education
  • Publishing and Prints Arts Program

Service Opportunities

Participate in a CCES Senior Event this Spring:

  • Club Keithley: Classroom support, mentoring, after-school programs at Keithley Middle School (ongoing).
  • Trinity Lutheran Feeding Ministry: Food bank and community garden at Trinity Lutheran Church (ongoing).
  • Washington High School Success Program: Classroom Support at Washington HS (ongoing).

Engage with one of PLU’s community partners
Not seeing something that interests you? Check out a list of PLU’s community partners. Be sure to report what you are doing so that your time can be recognized in the Senior Class Gift.

Engage on your own:
Are you already engaged in the community? No need to start over. Continue or start volunteering with an organization or program that you are familiar with. Be sure to report what you are doing so that your time can be recognized in the Senior Class Gift.

The Grad Gift Philosophy

Through the Office of Advancement, the philosophy behind “Student Philanthropy” is really focused on two things:

  1. PLU’s Mission Statement: “PLU seeks to educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care – for others, for their communities, and for the earth.”
  2. Student Engagement: Grad Gift supports a culture of philanthropy and involvement for students by educating them on the importance and impact of their membership in the PLU community. Through Grad Gift programming we hope students take the time to reflect upon their shared opportunities with peers, the programs and activities that were made possible by faculty, staff and donors, and the kindness and consideration of the PLU community.  Grad Gift, more than anything, is a thank you – a recognition toward these moments that testify to their impact.

Questions, Comments or Concerns?

Email for more information!