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Q&A with Coach Sara Griffin

What are some highlights of this year that shows your team succeeding, facing a challenge, and supporting each other?
Our team supported one another throughout the year in various ways. One of our team members witnessed a hit and run and we were there to help her through the difficulty of reporting the situation. One of our team members plays 2 sports and we were there to support her on the basketball court as well. Our team stuck together during a trying time at the university with a passing in our athletic family.

What makes your student-athletes special? What makes you feel most proud of your team?
My team is very diverse and we make things work. Our team works around everyone’s schedule and is very accommodating to what is going on in the student-athletes lives. We managed to keep a nursing student on the team all 4 years despite her clinicals and all her time at the hospital. She thought she would only play 2 years and managed to be a contributing team member all 4 years. We are also proud to have a 2 sport athlete on the team and able to make the schedule work for her to compete in both sports. I am proud that over the years they bought into my philosophy and believed that they were good golfers!

How did your team engage with the community this year?
On December 10, after the vehicles were loaded, and driven to a local middle school, the PLU women’s golf team helped Caring for Kids, a non profit organization, unload the toys, clothes, and other needed necessities, and set up for their annual Holiday Fair that was to be held the next day. This event serves 750 local families at Christmas in the Cloverpark, Steilacoom, and University place school districts. The next day, December 11, the lady lutes came back and helped bag up the necessities for several families. Our team also participated in the all sports clinic on campus April 30 and set up a golf station for children to experience the game we all love.

Looking ahead, what are you most excited about for next year?
Passing the torch to the next coaches to take on the Men’s and Women’s golf teams! It will be awesome to see what they can do.


“PLU has developed my leadership skills by allowing me to help take control of my team and make major decisions but also to take criticism and get good input from my teammates.”
– Jacqueline Jackson

Save the date: Bjug Day 2023 on October 17-18

Join Lutes all over the world on PLU’s Bjug Day of Giving! Bjug Day is a fun, philanthropic tradition during which PLU alumni and friends come together to celebrate and support what they love about PLU.

To see last year’s Bjug Day results, click here.

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