Frequently Asked Questions
What is Pacific Lutheran University's tax ID number?
Pacific Lutheran University’s Federal Employer ID Number (EIN) is 91-0565571
What is Pacific Lutheran Universty's DUNS number?
Dun & Bradstreet provides a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) Number, a unique nine digit identification number.
PLU’s DUNS number is 07183-6019
What are indirect costs and what is PLU's indirect cost rate?
Indirect costs, otherwise known as Facilities & Administration (F&A) costs, allow PLU to recover certain expenses (e.g., facilities, utilities, administration, etc.) associated with externally funded programs and research activity.
PLU has a federally negotiated indirect cost rate agreement, which allows the university to request 56% of the modified total direct costs.
Check out our document library on the Common Requested Proposal Documents section on our Pre-Award page for our Federally Negotiated Cost Rate Agreement.