
Submission Instructions and Assurances

In order to facilitate the process, assist in proposal preparation, and to coordinate efforts, it is recommended that early in the formation of the proposal, the author explore the idea with the dean, department chair, colleagues, and the Office of the Provost. Shortly thereafter, one should contact the Office of Advancement and talk with Sponsored Programs staff.

Applicants must complete the form, “Notice of Intent to Apply for a Grant,” that helps the author address critical components such as deadlines, matching requirements, and grant implications. At least a week before final submission, a “Grant Approval Form” should be completed.

Notice of Intent to Apply

It is required that faculty and staff submitting grants fill out a ‘Notice of Intent to Apply’ form. The form is to ensure that multiple requests are not submitted to the same organization and helps Foundation Relations to coordinate with campus partners.

Grant Approval

The Grant Approval Form is required for all university faculty and staff to request external funding for the university through grants. This form is essential to ensuring grant funded projects are in alignment with PLU’s mission and strategic priorities.

Submitting Grants through

Grants to the National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the Department of Education and other federal agencies use the government’s system for online submission. Institutional grants are submitted by Pacific Lutheran University, which is already registered with You will need the assistance of an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) to submit applications on behalf of PLU.

Commonly Requested Information

Legal Name Pacific Lutheran University Inc.
Official Address Pacific Lutheran University
12180 Park Ave S
Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
Type of Organization Private Institution of Higher Education
DUNS 071836019-0000
Federal Employer ID Number (EIN) 91-0565571
Federal Non-profit status IRS 501(c)(3)
System for Award Management (SAM)  ACTIVE, Expiration Date: 4/23/2020
Congressional District  WA-010
Mailing Address for checks PLU Office of Advancement
Foundation Relations
12180 Park Ave S
Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
Fringe Benefit Rate  32% of base salary and wages
Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate AKA Indirect Cost Rate or overhead 59.7% applied against salaries and wages only. Waivers can be used on a case by case basis. If the rate is set by the funder, PLU will comply.