As participants in the ABC program, you are expected to follow all relevant PLU policies in the Student Code of Conduct as well as a few additional ones specific to your program.


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Highlights from the PLU Code of Conduct | PLU学生行为准则重点摘要

The Student Code of Conduct contains policies and procedures that apply to all students enrolled in courses at Pacific Lutheran University. The Student Code of Conduct can be found online at and covers policies including (but not limited to):

学生行为准则包含适用于所有参加太平洋路德大学课程的学生之政策和程序。学生行为准则可在 线上查閱。并且,其涵盖政策包括(但不限于):

The University reserves the right to follow the procedures outlined in the Student Conduct System if a student’s behavior violates the Student Code of Conduct, regardless of where the behavior occurs. The University will generally, but not exclusively, respond to off-campus behavior if an alleged violation occurs while a student is engaged in a PLU-sponsored or sanctioned event (i.e., study away, alternative spring break, athletics, music performance, outdoor recreation), the behavior raises concern for the safety of those on-campus or in the neighboring community, or the behavior jeopardizes the university’s interests in the community.

In addition, the university may follow the procedures outlined in the Student Conduct System whenever a student is accused of a criminal act, regardless of the location of its occurrence.



PLU’s expectation is that students will not cheat or plagiarize, and that they will not condone these behaviors or assist others who cheat or plagiarize. Academic misconduct not only jeopardizes the career of the individual student involved, but also undermines the scholastic achievements of all PLU students and attacks the mission of this institution. Students are inherently responsible to do their own work, thereby insuring the integrity of their academic records.

What is Academic Dishonesty?

PLU defines Academic Dishonesty as violating procedures prescribed to protect the integrity of an assignment, test, or other evaluation. The most common forms of academic dishonesty are cheating and plagiarism.

Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

  • Submitting material that is not yours, such as submitting a downloaded paper off of the Internet; or
  • Making up information, such as data for a lab report; or
  • Collaborating with others on assignments without the instructor’s consent; or
  • Cooperating with or helping another student to cheat; or
  • Other forms of dishonest behavior, such as having another person take an exam for you, altering exam answers and requesting the exam be re-graded, or communicating with anyone other than a proctor or instructor during an exam.

Plagiarism is when someone omits, misrepresents, or inaccurately documents how the work of others appears in and influences one’s own work. It is the act of using any source (published, unpublished, or one’s own) that appears in or directly influences your work without properly identifying it, such as (but not limited to):

  • Directly quoting the words of others without attribution and without using quotation marks or other accepted formats to identify them; or
  • Re-using work you’ve done in other courses without prior approval from the current instructor; or,
  • Using altered wording, materials, or ideas of others without properly identifying their source; or
  • Representing someone else’s idea or strategy as your own

Matters of plagiarism are taken very seriously by both administration and faculty. If you are unsure about something you want to do or the proper use of materials, it is your responsibility to ask the instructor for clarification.

If an instructor knows or suspects a student is plagiarizing, they will likely start out by meeting with the student (and possibly a witness) to discuss the situation. Depending on the outcome of that meeting, they may choose to submit a report to the administration describing the academic dishonesty and/or impose penalties (such as failing grades) in their course.

Adapted from





  • 提交不属于您的资料,例如提交从网上下载的论文;
  • 虚构资料来源,例如实验室报告的数据;
  • 未经教师同意,与其他人合作完成作业;
  • 与另一名学生合作或帮助其他学生作弊;
  • 其他形式的不诚实行为,例如让另一个人为您参加考试,更改考试答案和请求考试,以及在考试期间与监考人员或讲师以外的任何人进行沟通。


  • 在没有归属的情况下直接引用他人的话,不使用引号或其他可接受的格式来标注
  • 未经当前教师事先批准,重新使用您在其他课程中完成的工作;
  • 使用修改后的措辞,材料或其他人的想法,但并无正确识别其资料来源;
  • 将别人的想法或策略视为自己本身的想法或策略。
  • PLU行政部门和教师们都非常重视抄袭问题。如果学生不确定自己想研究及写什么题目或是不知是否正确标注使用资讯,学生有责任向教师要求澄清及说明帮助。



Alcohol possession and use is permitted in South Hall under the following guidelines. The following policy has been established in recognition of, and coordination with, Washington State law and PLU’s university policy on Alcoholic Beverages. Possession of an open container of alcohol and/or consumption of alcohol in South Hall common areas (hallways, lounges, etc.) is prohibited. Alcoholic beverages are only permitted in South Hall common areas as they are being transported to an apartment where alcohol is permitted.

    • Possession and/or consumption of alcohol in a unit is permitted if all assigned residents of a unit are 21 years of age or older. In units where alcohol is permitted, all guests present when alcohol is open must be 21 years of age or older.
    • Prior to permitting alcoholic beverages in a unit, all residents of the unit must complete an online alcohol education session provided by residence hall staff. This requirement must be fulfilled prior to each academic year for continuing students. Activities and devices facilitating or promoting excessive consumption of alcohol, including but not limited to: drinking games, funnels, beer bongs, common-source containers (kegs, pony kegs, party balls, etc.), are prohibited.

This policy is intended to allow for personal, responsible use; therefore, the possession of large quantities of alcohol is prohibited, including, but not limited to: multiple cases of beer, wine or liquor, and stocked bars.

根据以下指南,South Hall允许拥有和使用酒精。同时,为了因应华盛顿州法律和PLU的大学酒精饮料政策,学生禁止在South Hall公共区域(走廊,休息室等)拥有一个开放(开瓶后)的 酒精容器和/或饮酒。酒精饮料仅允许在运送到允许饮酒的学生公寓的情况下可在南厅公共区域出没。如果該間宿舍的所有指定學生都是21岁或以上,则我們允许在該間宿舍學生内拥有和/或消费酒精。 但在允许饮酒的宿舍裡,所有在场拥有酒精的客人必须年满21岁。

  • 在我们允许该间宿舍学生拥有,消费和/或饮用酒精之前,该间宿舍的所有学生必须完成由PLU宿舍学务人员提供的线上酒精教育课程。本校要求每位旧生必须在学年度开始之前完成 此课程。另外,禁止任何促进或促进过量饮酒的活动和装置,包括但不限于:饮酒游戏,漏斗,啤酒烟枪,共源容器(小酒桶,酒桶,派对球等)。


Pacific Lutheran University provides computing and networking resources to students, faculty and staff. Use of these resources is a privilege granted to members of our community as we work and learn in an environment supportive of education and service.

These policies, which apply to all users of PLU’s computing and information resources, consist of the following elements:

Help Desk staff members are available to answer questions regarding computer and network use. Feel free to contact them at 253-535-7525 or

Violations and Consequences

The University will take reasonable and necessary steps to preserve the security of its computer and network resources. Doing so maintains a respectful community in which our computing and information resources may be utilized as intended. Users are expected to maintain this community by abiding by computing policies and reporting violations of these policies immediately. Complaints of potential policy violations should be reported to the Help Desk, 253-535-7525 or e-mail to

Violations of the Policy alleged to have been committed may be referred to the Student Conduct Coordinator, the Director of Human Resources, the Provost, or another appropriate University Officer.

Activities that in any way conflict with these policies can result in sanctions, corresponding to the severity of the action and ranging from a written reprimand to expulsion (for students) and/or referral to the appropriate legal authorities.

The University reserves the right to access electronic communication or data (e.g., email, computer files) as it deems necessary. While the University rarely does this, at times it may be compelled to do so in the enforcement of University policies and ethics, or by an external law enforcement agency.



服务台工作人员可以回答有关電腦與网络资源的问题。请致电253-535-7525或发送电子邮件至 与他们联系。





All guns and firearms, all explosive materials, and weapons including (but not limited to) swords, hunting knives, sling shots, spring-loaded knives, and projectile stun guns are prohibited on the PLU campus.


PLU does not permit wagering or games of chance on campus or at scheduled events off campus. Recognized student clubs and organizations are authorized to conduct events that include raffles, casino activities, and auctions, provided participants do not pay for participation and the event is approved by the Student Engagement Office.

PLU不允许学生在校园内或在校外的预定活动中进行投注或博弈游戏。 只有经认可的学生社團和校園组织有权來举办包括抽奖活动,赌场活动和拍卖會等類似活动。前提是参与者不得支付参与费用,并且活动須經由学生社團参与办公室批准。

The unauthorized possession, use, distribution, and/or sale of the following is prohibited: illegal drugs (including, but not limited to, cannabis/marijuana, acids, hallucinogens, barbiturates, amphetamines, and narcotics); prescription medications; any other substance identified to be dangerous by PLU, in its sole discretion; and drug paraphernalia.

PLU禁止学生未经授权拥有,使用,分发或销售以下物品:非法药物(包括但不限于大麻/大麻,酸类,致幻剂,巴比妥类,安非他明和麻醉品); 处方药; 任何其他PLU认定为危险的物质,由本校斟酌决定其标准;及吸毒用具等。

Adapted from

Pacific Lutheran University takes Sexual Misconduct very seriously. Sexual Misconduct is a broad term encompassing any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that is committed without Consent (as PLU defines it in this policy) and/or by force, intimidation, coercion or manipulation. As defined by PLU, the term Sexual Misconduct includes Non-Consensual Sexual IntercourseNon-Consensual Sexual ContactSexual HarassmentSexual Exploitation, Dating/Domestic/Relationship Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Intimidation.

Sexual Misconduct can be committed by a person upon another regardless of gender, and it can occur between people of the same or different sex. It can occur between strangers or acquaintances, including people involved in a current or previous intimate or sexual relationship. Sexual Misconduct may vary in its severity and consists of a range of behavior.

The Sexual Misconduct Policy outlines the process used by PLU to address a concern, investigate allegations of Sexual Misconduct involving students, and determine whether a student has violated the policy. It also outlines the rights, resources, and support systems available to victims of Sexual Misconduct.

We recommend all students read the full Sexual Misconduct Policy and the Bystander Information available on the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities website to help keep our community and its members safe.






The use of tobacco products is prohibited on the PLU campus, including the residence halls, inside campus buildings, in parking lots, on sidewalks, and any other campus property. This includes tobacco, marijuana, hookah (except for approved cultural and religious celebrations), e-cigarettes, vaporizers, or any items that emit gas or smoke. Possession of cigarettes, hookahs, e-cigarettes, and vaporizers are permitted, as long as these items are not being used on campus or in campus buildings and for legal purposes only.

The closest places to South Hall where smoking is allowed are the south side of 127th Street (across the street from South Hall), the east side of Park Avenue (across the street from South Hall Parking Lot), away from 126th Street/the Neeb Center.

PLU校园内禁止使用烟草相关制品。允许吸烟且离South Hall最近的地方是在127th Street的南侧(South Hall对面),Park Avenue的东侧(南厅停车场对面的街道),及远离126th Street / Neeb中心。記住,宿舍內任何場所 (包括個人房間及廁所在內) 嚴禁吸菸。

ABC Program Policies & Procedures | ABC课程政策和程序

ABC students are strongly encouraged to participate in any student life or campus events they wish, with the exception of PLU student government elections and league sports. Participation will both make a student’s time at PLU more enjoyable and speed improvement in English through increased conversations with native English speakers. Students are responsible for any additional costs that may come with these activities, such as equipment, materials, or event tickets.

我们强烈鼓励ABC学生参加任何他们希望参加的学生生活或校园活动,除了PLU学生政府选举和校队联赛体育之外。我们认为通过增加与英语母语人士的交流和参与将使ABC学生在PLU的时间 更加愉快且能同时提高其英语水平。请注意,学生在参与这些活动时可能需负责任何额外的费用,例如设备,材料或活动门票。

The tuition for the American Business Culture program is $25,000 USD, due prior to arrival at PLU.

Tuition includes a single room in a shared on-campus apartment, $3000 LuteBucks for on-campus dining and expenses, required textbooks, access to campus facilities like the Fitness Center, PLU International Student Health Insurance, transportation to/from Seattle Tacoma International Airport upon arrival and departure, cost of instruction, cost of student and professional staff, and select on-campus events (like Orientation and the Closing Celebration). Tuition does not include the cost of the Friday Company Visits (paid separately to Azure River Group), additional fees incurred at PLU (see below), cost of additional groceries and food, local transportation, and additional travel during school breaks.

Tuition and Refund Schedule (2019-20)

The tuition and refund schedule is outlined in the Agreement of Educational and Cultural Cooperation between Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College and Pacific Lutheran University. Dates for the 2019-20 academic year are below.

Tuition Due: August 16, 2019

Program Start Date: September 1, 2019

Deadline for 80% Refund: September 10, 2019

Deadline for 70% Refund: September 20, 2019

Deadline for 60% Refund: September 30, 2019

Deadline for 50% Refund: October 10, 2019

No refunds after October 10, 2019

Refunds only apply to the costs for instruction, housing, meal plan, and transportation. The health insurance fee and incidental charges, if applicable, cannot be refunded.

Fees Incurred

PLU will not be responsible for any fees or expenses incurred by students who voluntarily withdraw or are expelled from the American Business Culture program, including airfare change fees, improper check-out fees, and local transportation costs. Students leaving the program are expected to return any loaned items (textbooks, linens, etc) in good condition before leaving and follow the PLU Residential Life check-out procedure.


学费包括共用校内公寓宿舍的单人间,3000美元的LuteBucks用于校内餐饮和任何费用,所需之教科书,使用健身中心等校园设施,PLU国际学生健康保险,往/返西雅图塔科马国际机场的 交通服务,课堂教学成本,学生和教师人员的成本,以及特定校园活动(如迎新活动和闭幕庆典)。学费不包括周五公司访问费用(单独支付给蔚蓝河集团),学生在PLU期间所产生的额外费用(见下文),额外杂货和食品的费用,当地交通费以及学校休假期间的额外旅行费用。



山东外贸职业学院与太平洋路德大学教育文化合作协议中概述了学费和退学时间表。 2019-20学年的日期如下。












You are responsible for any additional fees incurred during your time at PLU including, but not limited to, those for overdue library books, improper residence hall check-out, and property damage. If we become aware of the fees before you return to China, you will be expected to pay PLU through FlyWire within 30 days. If fees are brought to our attention after you return to China, we will notify you and your International Office. Payment will still be required through FlyWire within 30 days.

PLU reserves the right to withhold Certificates of Completion and letters of recommendation for unpaid fees or fines. Additionally, students who are planning to matriculate to PLU will not be able to register for classes until any unpaid fees and fines are resolved.

学生须自行负责在PLU期间产生的任何额外费用,包括但不限于逾期图书馆书籍,不适当的宿舍检查和财产损失。如果我们在妳/你返回中国之前知晓这些费用,你/妳将需要在 30天内通过FlyWire支付PLU。如果我们在妳/你返回中国知晓这些费用,我们将会通知您和贵校的国际办公室,你/妳仍然需要30天内通过FlyWire付款。


Required textbooks for your business classes will be checked out to you each term and reference books may be distributed for the English Language and Culture course. It is your responsibility to keep these books in good condition so that future students can use them. You will be charged a fee up to the cost of the textbook for any damage present when it is checked back in.

You are welcome to purchase any recommended textbooks yourself or check them out from the PLU library.

Workbooks for the English Language and Culture course are yours to keep.




国内:当妳/你计划在华盛顿州以外旅行时,妳/你必须通知Saralyn Smith(PLU继续教育项目经理),Alex Lu(ABC课程学生协调员)和/或Heather Jacobson(PLU国际学生服务协调员 )。请至少向我们提供妳/你的旅行日期,旅行方式和目的地。这是我们确保每个人在任何紧急情况下的大概位置。

国际:如果妳/你计划在课程学年度内离开美国(包括课程休假期间返回中国),妳/你必须通知Heather Jacobson(国际学生服务协调员),以便让她签署您的DS-2019。

Students in the United States on a J-1 Visa are not permitted to work during their period of study. This includes e-commerce with customers back in China. Because it is a violation of their visa, students found to be working while at PLU will be given one warning (written and verbal). Students found to be working after their warning will be expelled from the program, will have their J-1 visa terminated, and must return to China as directed by PLU’s International Student Services staff.


You are subject to the same student conduct process as all PLU students where residence hall and general student code of conduct policies apply.

Violations of ABC program policies alone will be handled through conversations between the student(s) involved, ABC program instructors, Continuing Education staff, and any other relevant parties. In most cases, three warnings (verbal and/or written) will be given before expulsion from the program is considered. Any student who is expelled from the ABC program will have their J-1 visa terminated and must return to China as directed by PLU’s International Student Services staff.


任何违反ABC课程政策之学生将通过相关同侪,ABC课程指导员,PLU继续教育学务人员和任何其他相关方之间的对话来处理。在大多数情况下,在考虑开除该违规学生之前,我们都会 给出三次警告(口头和/或书面)。任何被开除ABC课程的学生都将会被撤销其J-1签证,并且必须按照PLU国际学生服务人员的指示返回中国。

Students will enroll in PLU’s international student health insurance plan and the premium paid will be deducted from their tuition due. More information on the specifics of payments and enrollment will be provided this summer.

The plan, which can be used at the PLU Student Health Center and with specific covered providers. Services received off campus (and some on campus) may have additional charges attached to them, which students are responsible for.

More information about the health insurance plan and other health-related topics can be found on this webpage.