General Education Archived Pages

The following pages contain archival general education material for reference. Questions regarding the material can be directed to

General Education Council

The General Education Council is responsible for finding ways through which to assess and describe how PLU students understand and apply (think about and embrace) the Integrative Learning Objectives as they are represented throughout the curriculum, particularly in the General Education experience.

In Spring 2018, the faculty voted to create and implement a faculty standing committee charged with the oversight of the Core Curriculum (General Education). Taking the place of the General Education Council, the council began its work in Fall 2019. For up to date information, including most recent Annual Reports, please visit the Core Curriculum Committee page.

Ad Hoc Committee on General Education Review and Revision 2018-2019

In October, 2017, Faculty Assembly created the Ad Hoc Committee on General Education Review and Revision, which led a two-year process considering changes to the Core Curriculum. That committee’s final report is archived here, along with key materials from their process.

Mellon Conversation on General Education 2015

During Spring 2014, PLU was invited to apply for a $100,000 Mellon Grant to fund inquiry around the development of a revised core curriculum. This grant was awarded, and beginning in Fall 2014, the faculty, under the guidance of the General Education Council, began to compose a pilot General Education program that focused on a broad integration of the humanities, including consideration of high-impact best practices around scaffolded experiences in communities of learners. The Cornerstones pilot program was approved in Fall 2015, and implemented in Fall 2016. Many of the Cornerstones principles were included in the models presented by the Ad Hoc Committee over the 2018-19 into Fall 2019 work discussions.