Become a Peace Scholar!

Established in 2011, the Peace Scholars Program is designed to deepen understanding of central issues and theories of dialogue, peace-building, conflict, and war. Two students from each of five Lutheran participating colleges and universities form a group of collaborative scholars.

Open to sophomores and juniors. Applicants must be returning to PLU as students in Fall term next year.

The fully funded program includes:

  1. Study in Norway for six weeks in the summer: study includes a week-long intensive dialogue training and peace seminar.
  2. Airfare, room, and board for the six weeks.
  3. Participation in a U.S. program component for a weekend, with other Peace Scholars in Minnesota.

Peace Scholar Studies

Peace scholars participate in an interdisciplinary six-week undergraduate level course in peace studies at the Oslo International Summer School. The course includes both classroom instruction and visits to prominent institutions dealing with peace and conflict. Upon return to the PLU campus, students work with the Peace Scholars coordinator and committee to promote the program through presentations and recruitment meetings.

Travel, lodging and meals related to the Peace Scholars summer study are paid for by PLU and generous donors. Students with financial need may be eligible for additional funding for non-program costs.

Summer Study: Oslo International Summer School

The summer school is a vibrant international environment in which students from over 80 countries take part. The 10 Peace Scholars take a Peace Seminar together.

Introductory Dialogue Week

The seminar will begin with a “pre-week” in Oslo with all the Peace Scholars. The week is an introduction to the idea of dialogue and what it means to engage in dialogue. The pre-week includes a two-night stay in a cabin in Nordmarka.

Norway House in Minneapolis / Peace Scholars One Day Presentation

Past and newly selected Peace Scholars will gather at the Norway House in Minneapolis in April to give a panel presentation. This gathering is also an opportunity to strengthen the program's goals amongst the individual participants.

When they weren’t busy studying peacebuilding and conflict with students from all over the world, PLU Peace Scholars Ariel Wood ’17 and Theo Hofrenning ’17 explored downtown Oslo and Norway’s southeastern coast. Learn more about the Peace Scholar program at