Wellbeing Ecology at PLU
The Educational Program
The university’s mission is to “educate students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care – for other people, for their communities and for the earth.”
PLU 2020 uplifts the expectation that PLU will provide graduates who will give society the kinds of leaders and citizens it needs. PLU co-curricular programs promote: a deep engagement with people, cultures, ideas and the environment, a rich array of opportunities to inquire into the human condition and the natural world, opportunities for experiential learning, leadership and service, programs that support students physically, emotionally, ethically and intellectually. These programs also promote the university’s Integrative Learning Objectives and the university intent to educate the whole person – body, mind and spirit.
In addition to a number of academically based co-curricular programs, many departments sponsor co-curricular education programs and over 80 student clubs and organizations also contribute to out-of-classroom learning on campus.
Listed below is a sampling of co-curricular offerings organized around the PLU mission statement:
Lectures, Workshops, & Symposia
- Social Media Lunchbox
- Wang Symposium
- Academic Division Lectures and Events
- Holocaust Conference
Faith & Spirituality
- Real Talk Religion
- University Chapel
- Lenten Lunch Breaks
- Interfaith Programs
- Wild Hope Center for Vocation
- EXPLORE! Retreat
- Meant To Live
- Career Connections
- Transitions: Life After College (PSYC 213)
- Gender Exploration Week
- Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week
- Pride Week
- International Education Week
- Sex +
- My Language, My Choice
- Civil Right Alternative Spring Break
- Take Back the Night
- Vagina Monologues
Trinity and Peace Community Center Meals
Habitat for Humanity
Army ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps)
Alternative Spring Break Trips
Relay for Life
Athletics Service
- Special Olympics
- Habitat for Humanity
- Boys and Girls Club
- Lister Elementary Reading Program
- Sports camps and clinics
Student Engagement
- ASPLU (Associated Students of PLU)
- Student Leadership Institute (SLI)
- Emerging Leaders
- EXPLORE! Retreat
- Student Leadership Recognition
- Clubs and Organizations
Residential Life
- Resident Assistants and Community Assistants
Student Media
- Impact
- Saxifrage
- The Matrix
- Mast Media
- The Mooring Mast
- Mast TV
- LASR (Lute Air Student Radio)
Career Connections
- Career Peer Educator
- Student Employment
- Student Peer Supervisors (e.g., Campus Safety Lead Officers, New Student Orientation Coordinators, Athletics Building Supervisors)
- Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC)
- Team Captains
- Team Green Dot Bystander Training
Green Dot Bystander Training
Women’s Center
- Internship and volunteer opportunities
dCenter (Diversity Center)
- Diversity Advocates
- Rieke Scholars
- dCenter
- Fellows
- Word Up!
- International Peer Advisors
- Commuter Community Assistants (CCAs)
- Act Six
Campus Ministry
- University Congregation
- Ministry Exploration Group
- Debate
- Music
- Theatre productions
- Dance
Wang Center
- Sojourner Advocate
- Peace Scholars
Health and Wellness
- Know, Ask, Tell
- Relay for Life
- Sex +
- GreenDot
- Springboard
- Open Door
- Women’s Center Advocacy Services
- The Empower Project
- Xfit
- Intramurals
- Outdoor Recreation
- Lute Loop
- Club Sports
Alcohol Education & Alternatives
- Late Night Programs
- NCAA Choices Grant
- Incoming Student Alcohol and Substance Abuse Education (New Student Orientation)
- Wang Center/Women’s Center Study Away Module
Commuter Student Resources
- Cave
- Kreidler Community
Spirit of Diversity Awards
- Retention
- MAP-Works
- Intentional Individual Interactions (Triple I’s)
International Student Services
Commuter Student Services
Transfer Students
- Students of Color
- Men’s Retreat
- Women’s Retreat
- Queer Student Retreat
- Coalition Retreat
Open Door
- Habitat for Humanity
- Volunteer Opportunities
Residential Learning Communities
- First Year Wing Communities
- First in the Family
- New Transfer and Returning Wing Communities
- Upper Division Student Communities (South/Kreidler)
- Themed Residential Learning Communities
- Gender Inclusive Housing
- Harstad Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equity
- Hinderlie Community for Creative Expression (HCCE)
- Hong International Hall
- Social Action & Leadership (SAL)
Clubs and Organizations
Student Media
- Impact
- Saxifrage
- The Matrix
- Mast Media
- The Mooring Mast
- Mast TV
- LASR (Lute Air Student Radio)
Online/Social Media
- Ultimate Lute Guide
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Diversity & Inclusion
- dCenter
- Queer Ally Network
- Queer Prom
- Retreats
- Students of Color
- Men’s Retreat
- Women’s Retreat
- Queer Student Retreat
- Coalition Retreat
- South Puget Sound Higher Education Diversity Partnership Institute
- Women’s Center
- Men Against Violence
- JW’s new program series
- Tunnel of Oppression
New Student Orientation & On the Road
Green Dot
- Living Sustainable on Campus
- Sustainability Fellows
Global Education
- Sojourner Advocate
- World Conversations
- Study Away