Interim Measures

If the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities determines a threat to self or others, or harm to the community, SRR in conjunction with the Dean of Students has the ability to impose Interim Measures on a student. Interim Measures are meant to provide restrictions while a student waits for their Review Meeting. Interim Measures will work to address any safety concerns, while also minimizing the impact on all parties. Once a student’s determination is made, Interim Measures will no longer be implemented; instead, the Review Officer may make these measures permanent, or remove them from the student.

In order to determine harm to the community or threat to self, SRR will utilize the risk assessment rubric from NaBITA.

Examples of Interim Measures can include, but are not limited to:

  • Removal from Campus Housing for interim
  • No Contact Orders
  • Restriction from Campus or certain areas on campus
  • Independent study for class during the interim
  • Assistance in arranging alternative work/class schedules as applicable
  • Accessing Health and Counseling services
  • Interim suspensionÂ