Questions and Answers about CIWA

This section is offered to help answer many of the questions which can arise when trying to understand how CIWA, now in its second decade, carries out its mission and goals. 

If your desire is to help educate Americans about the world we live in and make them more competitive in the global workplace, then following your review of this section you will likely become one of our biggest supporters.


In Defense of the Confucius Institute of the State of Washington

A good place to begin is in reviewing comments made by the Director of CIWA, Professor Paul Manfredi, Chair of Languages and Literature at Pacific Lutheran University in his letter updating members of the Washington State Congressional delegation following CIWA’s tenth anniversary celebration. Then a thoughtful consideration of Jamie P. Horsley’s article “It’s Time for a New Policy on Confucius Institutes“ which demonstrates the benefits for the United States in understanding Chinese culture and language.
