Why Study Sociology?
Sociologists study social life and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure and development of individuals, communities, organizations and societies. Few disciplines have such broad scope and relevance.
As a student of sociology, you will move beyond the world that is taken for granted. Sociology provides students with distinctive ways of looking at the world in order to generate new ideas and assess the old. Coursework includes analysis of family and gender issues, race/ethnicity, social class, social problems and inequality. In addition, sociology provides training in a range of research techniques which can be applied to many areas of social life and policy.
What Can I Do When I Graduate?
Although few occupations include “sociologist” in their title at the bachelor’s level, the sociological perspective is excellent preparation for a wide variety of occupations in social and public services, management, education, government, and business. Students who graduate with a B.A. in sociology and enter the job market directly will find themselves competing with other liberal arts students, but with an advantage – knowledge of key social factors and a firm grasp on research design and methods. This advantage of a sociology major provides breadth and the potential for adaptability.
Students who especially enjoy research design, statistics, and data analysis seek positions in marketing, assessment, public relations, and organizational research. Courses in race/ethnicity, social stratification, and global studies can lead to positions in international business. Students interested in social justice often find meaningful employment in social work or other social service professions.

Want to know more about how sociology can prepare you for a career and for graduate school?
Read the letter from American Sociological Association Executive Officer,
Sally T. Hillsman