Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours of the Business Office?

Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm. The Business Office is closed on designated university holidays.

What are the hours of the Cashier?

Monday through Friday, 9:00am -12:00pm and 1:00pm – 4:00pm The Cashier is closed on designated university holidays.

Accounts Payable

When does the Business Office disburse checks for vendors and for reimbursement?

Generally, on Fridays.  This is subject to change when there is a holiday during the week.

When do I use a Cash Reimbursement Form?

A Cash Reimbursement Form is used when your reimbursement is $75.00 or less.

When do I use a Payment Request Form?

A Payment Request form is used when your reimbursement is over $75.00, or if you need a check cut to pay someone (i.e. vendor).

Student Employees' Pay

How do I receive my pay?

If you have Direct Deposit, you will receive your Pay Advice (check stub) via email on the morning of payday. Your money will be in your bank account when your bank opens for business on payday.

If you do not have Direct Deposit, you may pick up your paycheck in the Business Office, Room 110 in the Admin Building, starting at 8:00 AM on payday.


When do I use a Travel Expense Voucher?

You will use a Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) any time that you have traveled for a PLU business purpose that includes an overnight stay. The TEV will include any charges made by the PLU Purchase Card, through Accounts Payable, inter-departmental, cash, or personal check. If you need to be reimbursed and you have NOT traveled, then you will use a Payment Request Form (over $75.00) or a Cash Reimbursement Form ($75.00 or less). Both of these forms can be found on the Business Office web site under Documents and Forms.