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Anthropology Capstone Presentations - Spring 2019

Conversion, Code-Switching, and Varied Communities

Tuesday May 7, 2019 / 10:00 - 11:40 a.m.
Hauge Administration Building, Room 202

“The Assurance of Prosperity: Neoliberalism, the Prosperity Gospel, and Pentecostal Christianity in Southern Ghana”

“Business Code-Switching: Sociocultural Knowledge for Career Advancement in Cosmopolitan Singapore”

“Community Formation withing Fan Fiction and the Internet: The Importance of Readers and Writers”

“Competing Masculinities Among Indigenous Groups in Oaxaca, Mexico”

Archaeology, Identity, and Shifting Cultures

Thursday May 9, 2019 / 10:00 - 11:40 a.m.
Hauge Administration Building, Room 202

“Intentional Development of Fictional Personas in Nordic Living History Populations of North America”

“Domestic Obsidian Craft Production at Late Postclassic Coatlan Del Rio”

“Cultural Adaptation: Gold Rush Mining Communities of Southeastern Australia”

“Reassessing Cultural Dynamics: Updating the Accuracy of the Precontact Occupational Chronology for the Willamette Valley”