Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

The Faculty Executive Committee shall consist of the chair, vice-chair, and faculty secretary, the elected representative to the Board of Regents, and the chairs of the faculty standing committees.

Advisory members shall consist of the president and the provost.  Consistent with the Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4.B.7-8, advisory members shall have the same rights and privileges as any other member of the committee except the right to make motions and to vote.

The Faculty Executive Committee shall perform the following duties:

  1. To coordinate the work of standing committees and to assist the chair of the faculty in preparing agendas for meetings of the Faculty Assembly.
  2. To oversee the implementation of faculty legislation.
  3. To review and make recommendations to the faculty regarding all proposals for the establishment of ad hoc faculty committees and other ad hoc committees involving faculty membership and which transcend division or school lines, including joint faculty-student or faculty-administration committees. Such recommendations may include conditions regarding duration and membership as the executive committee finds appropriate.
  4. To consider and to refer to appropriate faculty organs such matters of faculty interest and importance as it deems proper.
  5. To appoint faculty to specified positions on university standing committees.

Chair of Faculty – Amy Young
Vice Chair of Faculty – Oksana Ezhokina
Secretary of Faculty – Rick Barot
Faculty Representative to the Board of Regents – James Brown
Chairs of Faculty Standing Committees

Advisory Members:
President – Allan Belton
Provost – Joanna Gregson

Cases involving the dismissal of a faculty member may be brought before the Formal Dismissal Hearing Committee.

The procedure for the election of faculty to the Formal Dismissal Hearing Committee is found in the Faculty Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2.E.1:

  1. The Formal Dismissal Hearing Committee shall consist of five members of the permanent faculty who have had at least four years of service at Pacific Lutheran University. They shall be elected as follows: Each September, the Governance Committee shall nominate a panel of fifteen. From these nominees the elected faculty members of Faculty Executive Committee shall elect a panel of ten and the results of this election shall be reported to the faculty. The five with the highest number of votes shall constitute the Formal Dismissal Hearing Committee. The remaining five shall serve as alternates in case of vacancies or if in the opinion of the committee any of its members should be disqualified in a particular case. Such alternates shall be chosen in order of highest votes received in the election. These ten are elected to a term of one calendar year beginning on October 15 and ending on October 14 of the following year. Cases still in process at the end of the stipulated calendar year will be completed by the committee assigned to that case.

For the period beginning October 15, 2023 and ending October 14, 2024, the members of the Formal Dismissal Hearing Committee as elected by the Faculty Executive Committee are as follows (in alphabetical order by surname):

Michael Behrens – Biology
Peter Davis – Earth Science
Antonios Finitsis – Religion
Andrea Munro – Chemistry
Marit Trelstad – Religion


The alternates for the period beginning October 15, 2023 and ending October 14, 2024 are, in order:

Alternate #1: Lindsey Nice – Marriage & Family Therapy
Alternate #2: Ami Shah – Global Studies
Alternate #3: Mike Schleeter – Philosophy
Alternate #4: Jennifer James – Gender, Sexuality and Race Studies
Alternate #5: Rebekah Mergenthal – History

Katrina Hay, Physics (seat expires 2025)



Fall 2024 FEC meetings
Virtual + location
Friday, September 20, 2024, 3:30-5:00 pm
October 2024 (no meeting in October)
Friday, November 8, 2024, 3:30-5:00 pm
Friday, December 13, 2024, 3:30-5:00 pm