Global Education Committee

Membership: Three members elected for three-year overlapping terms from the faculty at large, one faculty member to represent the PLU Gateway Programs selected each year by the current PLU Gateway Program Directors, with the provision that this representative serve no more than 3 consecutive years and that this person not be one of the four elected members of the committee.

Advisory Members: Provost, the Executive Director of the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education; one administrative representative appointed by the Vice President for Student Life; one administrative representative from Academic Advising appointed by the Provost; and one student selected by the Associated Students of PLU. Consistent with Article IV, Section 4, Subsection B, 7 and 8 of the Faculty Bylaws, advisory members shall have the same rights and privileges as any other member of the committee except the right to make motions and to vote.

Regular attendance/participation of Wang Center staff and representatives of other university offices is expected when issues related to their areas of responsibility are on the committee’s agenda, in keeping with the intention that the committee be both broadly constituted and consultative.

General Purpose: To review and oversee off-campus curricular matters related to global education programs and initiatives, to advise the Executive Director of the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education on policies and procedures related to global education, and to advocate with the Wang Center for global education across the campus.

Specific Duties:

  1. Curricular, Program and Planning:
    (a) To review and oversee educational objectives and desired outcomes for off-campus courses and programs as they relate to PLU’s mission and to the Integrative Learning Objectives (ILOs) approved by the faculty in May 1999, the Principles of General Education approved by the faculty in December 2004, and the Principles for January Terms approved by the faculty in April 2004.
    (b) To recommend action to the Educational Policy Committee (EPC) for all new off-campus courses (elected faculty members only).
    (c) To develop, review and recommend to the faculty guidelines and approval mechanisms for international off-campus courses and programs as well as for domestic off-campus courses and programs as well as for domestic off-campus courses and programs that share distinct qualities with international off-campus courses.
    (d) To establish and recommend to the faculty timetables and frameworks for program assessment, including the academic quality, learning outcomes and student experiences related to off-campus courses and programs.
    (e) To approve faculty proposals for off-campus offerings of existing (previously) offered courses.
    (f) To review periodically the goals and accomplishments of the university’s strategic and implementation approaches.
    (g) To evaluate and approve proposals for student, faculty, and student-faculty Wang Grants.
    (h) To identify and recommend new PLU Gateway sites.
    (i) To oversee the Peace Corps Preparation Program at PLU.
  2. Advisory to Wang Center Executive Director:
    (a) To evaluate and assess all study away programs (short-term, semester, and year-longs) in terms of program operation, organization orientation, budget, risk, student housing, and other issues identified by the Wang Center Executive Director.
    (b) To advise the Wang Center Executive Director in matters relating to faculty and staff development in support of study away curricula, outreach programs, and student advising related to global education.
    (c) To provide input on strategies to further develop collaboration among university departments and administrative offices in ways that strengthen the Wang Center’s mission.
    (d) To encourage and provide input on Wang Center outreach programs, other co-curricular activities, and external networking.
    (e) To advise the Wang Center Executive Director in matters related to new and existing resources allocation as well as other challenges and opportunities related to program development.
    (f) To review and consult on other policies and practices as requested by the Wang Center Executive Director.
  3. Advocacy:
    (a) To support greater coherence and visibility for global education by informing the faculty and university community concerning implementation, evaluation, modification and success of the university’s strategic plan for global education.
    (b) To encourage, enhance and sustain the active involvement of all academic and administrative units of the university in global education.
  4. To make a written report to the faculty at least once a year.  The chair of the committee shall file a record of the committee’s activities in duplicate reports–one with the faculty secretary and one with the president of the university at the close of the school year.

Membership for 2024-25:

Name:  Jennifer Rhyne (
Department: Music, Theatre & Dance
Committee Seat: Expires 2025
Contact: 253-535-7058

Name:  Roberto Arteaga (
Department: Library
Committee Seat: Expires 2026
Contact: 253-535-7505

Name:  Lathiena Nervo (
Department: Biology
Committee Seat: Expires 2027
Contact: 253-535-7376