Educational Policies Committee (EPC)

Membership:  Four faculty members elected from the faculty for three-year overlapping terms with the provision that the committee be composed of at least one member from each of the four colleges.

Advisory Membership:  Provost, registrar, associate provost for undergraduate programs,  one student selected by the Associated Students of PLU.  Consistent with Article IV, Section 4, Subsection 4b, g and h of the Faculty Bylaws, advisory members shall have the same rights and privileges as any other member of the committee except the right to make motions and to vote.

General Purpose:  To study problems and to make recommendations relative to all areas of academic policy, including the regular semester, January term, summer school, graduate division, and continuing education programs.

Specific Duties:

  1. To consider policies of academic and instructional nature:
    (a) Requirements for all undergraduate and graduate degrees and certificates.
    (b) Course additions and deletions proposed by departments and schools, according to procedures established by the Educational Policies Committee and the faculty.
    (c) Credit value of courses, seminars, workshops, and so forth.
  2. To study and make recommendations to the faculty and departments concerned regarding new areas in instruction to be entered, old areas to be abandoned, and new trends in higher education.
  3. To consider and recommend to the faculty candidates for honorary degrees.
  4. To review and recommend to the faculty all proposals for courses intended to satisfy core curriculum elements, after initial approval by the Core Curriculum Committee.
  5. To serve in an advisory capacity to the administration of the university in order to express faculty concerns and interests regarding academic effects of the budget.
  6. To inform the faculty of EPC policy determinations through the “For Information Only” section of the 30-Day Clock memo disseminated to the faculty via email throughout the academic year.
  7. The chair of the Educational Policies Committee shall serve on the Conciliation Committee in accordance with Article VI, Section 1 of the Faculty Bylaws.
  8. The chair of the Educational Policies Committee shall receive a teaching load reduction of one (1) course or the equivalent per academic year.
  9. To make a written report to the faculty at least once a year. The chair of the committee shall file a record of the committee’s activities in duplicate reports–one with the faculty secretary and one with the president of the university at the close of the school year

Membership for 2024-25:

Name: Tom Smith ( – Chair
Department: Music, Theatre and Dance
Committee Seat: Expires 2026
Contact: 253-535-7323

Name: David Wolff (
Department: Computer Science
Committee Seat: Expires 2026
Contact: 253-535-8735

Name: Erik Hammerstrom ( – Secretary
Department: Religion
Committee Seat: Expires 2027
Contact: 253-535-7225

Name: Hannah Pye (
Department: Nursing
Committee Seat: Expires 2027
Contact: 253-535-7634