Welcome to dance at Pacific Lutheran University! We offer a Dance minor within the School of Music, Theatre & Dance under the College of Professional Studies.
Dance at Pacific Lutheran University provides unique opportunities in performance, choreography, dance history, production, and dance technique (including contemporary, jazz, ballet, hip-hop and tap). Classes are offered every semester along with co-curricular opportunities. Students can receive credit for their participation in dance productions.
Student choreography is emphasized to help nurture aspiring artists into becoming successful professionals and renowned faculty and guest choreographers regularly create original work to help further artistic achievement.
Pacific Lutheran University’s performances provide opportunities for dance performance and choreography in a concert setting. Students of all technical dance levels and dance backgrounds are encouraged to participate and audition in the Fall and Spring terms for the Spring concert.
To learn more about the program, please contact Resident Assistant Professor of Theatre & Dance, Sarah Seder, at or Chair of Theatre & Dance, Amanda Sweger at

Dance Minor Requirements
16 semester hours, including:
- 12 semester hours of DANC courses
- 4 semester hours chosen from: additional DANC courses, KINS 277, 280, FTWL 223, 224, 225, MUSI 101, 120, THEA 250, 254, 285, 355, 453
- At least 4 semester hours must be upper-division (300 or 400 level)
Course Listing
DANC 170 : Introduction to Dance - CX
An introduction to Western concert dance forms. The course combines discussion and movement practice. (4)
DANC 222 : Beginning/Intermediate Musical Theatre Dance - CX, FT
Students practice musical theatre and jazz dance technique, musical theatre and jazz choreography, and learn the history of musical theatre and jazz dance. Designed for students who have never taken a musical theatre or jazz dance class before, as well as for more experienced dancers. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. Fulfills one course towards the FT GenEd Element. (2)
DANC 240 : Dance Concert Ensemble - CX
Students perform in the faculty-directed dance concert. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. (0 to 1)
DANC 251 : Beginning/Intermediate Ballet - CX, FT
Students practice ballet technique, ballet choreography, and learn the history of ballet. Designed for students who have never taken a ballet class before, as well as for more experienced dancers. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. Fulfills one course towards the FT GenEd Element. (2)
DANC 252 : Beginning/Intermediate Contemporary - CX, FT
Students practice contemporary dance technique, contemporary choreography, and learn the history of contemporary and modern dance. Designed for students who have never taken a contemporary dance class before, as well as for more experienced dancers. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. Fulfills one course towards the FT GenEd Element. (2)
DANC 254 : Beginning/Intermediate Tap - CX, FT
Students practice tap dance technique, tap choreography, and learn the history of tap dance. Designed for students who have never taken a tap dance class before, as well as for more experienced dancers. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. Fulfills one course towards the FT GenEd Element. (2)
DANC 255 : Beginning/Intermediate Hip Hop - CX, FT
Students practice hip hop dance technique, hip hop choreography, and learn the history of hip hop. Designed for students who have never taken a hip hop dance class before, as well as more experienced dancers. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. Fulfills one course towards the FT GenEd Element. (2)
DANC 287 : Special Topics in Dance
Provides undergraduate students with new, one-time, and developing courses not yet available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as ST: followed by the specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4)
DANC 291 : Directed Study
To provide individual undergraduate students with introductory study not available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as DS: followed by the specific title designated by the student. (1 to 4)
DANC 301 : Dance and Culture - ES, GE
An examination of the history and culture of dance forms and choreographic methods from around the world. A seminar-based class that includes physical movement. (4)
DANC 322 : Advanced Musical Theatre Dance
Designed for intermediate/advanced students, this course further develops musical theatre and jazz dance technique and performance. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. Prerequisite: consent of instructor or DANC 222. (2)
DANC 340 : Dance Composition and Choreography
A study of the principles of dance composition. Students engage in concentrated creative practice through choreographic projects, exercises, and guided improvisation. (2)
DANC 351 : Advanced Ballet
Designed for intermediate/advanced students, this course further develops ballet technique and performance. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. Prerequisite: consent of instructor or DANC 251. (2)
DANC 352 : Advanced Contemporary
Designed for intermediate/advanced students, this course further develops contemporary dance technique and performance. Prerequisite: DANC 252 or consent of instructor. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. (2)
DANC 440 : Dance Concert Choreography
Students choreograph original works for the faculty-directed dance concert. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. (0 to 2)
DANC 487 : Special Topics in Dance
Provides undergraduate students with new, one-time, and developing courses not yet available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as ST: followed by the specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4)
DANC 491 : Independent Study
Provides individual undergraduate students with advanced study not available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as IS: followed by the specific title designated by the student. (1 to 4)
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