
The PLU Event Planning Guide

This Event Planning Guide is here to guide PLU students, faculty and staff who coordinate events. It includes the key components of event planning for large and small scale events, including catering, marketing, audio/visual needs, and inclusive practices.

Spending time to conceptualize your event and develop a plan gives you the ability to be intentional about collaboration and program design. The PLU Event Planning Form is a tool designed to lead event planners through each phase of event planing. Copy and paste the PLU Event Planning template into a Google Doc for on-going collaborative event planning, task management and historical records for you and your advisor/supervisor, dean or budget head.

Design your Vision

Your mission as an event planner is to invent, create, and produce events that are meaningful, creative, inspiring, and meet the interest and needs of your audience. To reach this goal successfully, spend time brainstorming and building collaborative partnerships to make the event a success for your target audience. 

Oftentimes event planning happens in silos rather than different people and departments working together to achieve a common goal.  Collaborating on events invites diversity of perspectives and access to resources to make the event the best it can be! True collaboration invites people to bring ideas during the event brainstorming stage to offer their greatest contributions to designing an experience that meets the established event goals. Ask yourself these questions: For larger events especially, it’s recommended you develop a planning committee composed of various stakeholders.

Questions to Consider:

  • What is the campus need you aim to meet?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What are the 1-3 your goals or learning outcomes you are aiming to achieve?
  • Who are the people/departments you can invite to collaborate to best meet your event goals?
  • Who are the content experts or advisors you can consult on your event design?
  • Is there a person that needs to approve your event plan and/or budget?
    • All student programmers have a designated staff person to approve your event plan and budget prior to booking and spending.
      • Resident Assistants & Commuter Advocates- Community Director
      • Student Clubs & Orgs – Club Advisors & Campus Life
      • DJS Clubs – Club Advisors & Center for DJS
      • Student Athletes – SAAC Advisors & Coaches
      • All Students – Campus Life

From Goals to Design

Writing goals can be crucial for improving the overall direction design for your event. Recognize the multiple pathways to achieve these goals. Accounting for diverse strengths and encouraging creativity can lead to more thoughtful programs.   For information regarding endowed lectures and their intended goals, please reference this page.

Questions to Consider:

  • What is the “vibe” you hope to create?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Is the event I want to do in alignment with PLU’s values of diversity, justice and sustainability (DJS)?
  • Is the event I want to do in furthering alignment with PLU’s mission statement?
  • What specifically do you want your event to achieve?

Our hope is to provide our campus community with options for engagement while minimizing competing events.  Consulting with campus calendar resources to ensure thoughtful planning that can help maximize event attendance and ensure the venue of your choice is available.

Helpful resources for choosing date and time:

  • Campus Calendar is the public facing marketing tool for on and off campus events
  • EMS is used to schedule spaces for events and reserve resources around campus.  Utilize this resource to see the availability of on campus venue spaces.
  • Weekly Class Schedule: Fall/Spring, J-Term

Questions to Consider:

  • What days and times will work best for your target audience?
  • What is the ideal date for this event?
  • What other university events are happening on and around the date you are considering?
  • Is there a specific venue you hope to have your event in?  If so, what dates is it available?
  • Does your date allow for adequate time to ensure successful planning? (See Building Your Timeline)
  • How long do you want your event to be to best meet your event goals?
  • Do you want your event to be outside? Check that the space is available and have an indoor location booked as a backup plan. (You will need to coordinate with the Hospitality Services office closer to the event to make a “weather call” of if the event is staying outside or moving inside.

Building your Timeline

Building an event planing timeline ensures that you are meeting expected reservation deadline and creates a visual list of to-do items that can easily be distributed amongst the event collaborators.  Event planing often requires flexibility and to-dos may be added throughout the process.  A visual timeline is also very valuable for others who may wish to host a similar event in the future. Use the resources below to build timeline backwards from your event date.

Reserve Venue – Off CampusMust contact off campus venue directly for booking.ASAP
Reserve Venue – On CampusMust reserve through EMS or events@plu.edu. During this time you will also be asked to share your Set-Up Style that best meets your event goals and number of attendees.4+ weeks before event
Venue – OlsonMUST reserve through EMS or events@plu.edu. Due to the additional coordination and labor, this venue requires additional planning.12+ months before event
Layout – Stage & LightsMUST email stage@plu.edu to submit request4+ weeks out
Audio Support (ranging from a single microphone to a large-scale concert)MUST contact media@plu.edu to submit request. Learn more HERE.4+ weeks out
Live Image Enhancement (cameras on the screen, only available in Olson Auditorium)MUST contact media@plu.edu to submit request. Learn more HERE.4+ weeks out
Streaming ServicesMUST Request streaming serviceswith I&TS4+ weeks out
Audio and Video recordingMUST contact media@plu.edu to submit request. You can have an audio or video recording made of your event by one of our student technicians. All recordings of University events are archived by Instructional Technologies.3+ weeks out
Photography – PLU MarComMUST submit a request to PLU MarCom1+ week out
Confirm venue set up and logisticsRecommend to reach out to Hospitality Services and I&TS to confirm/update your room set up requests2 weeks out
PLU CateringMust contact catering@plu.edu or submit a Catering Order Form. More information about menus and guidelines.2+ weeks out
Catering – 100+ peopleMust contact catering@plu.edu or submit a Catering Order Form. More information about menus and guidelines.4+ weeks out
Bake SalesMust submit a Notification of Bake Sale form to PLU Catering and be approved by PLU Catering2+ weeks out
Self-Catered Event – approvalMust submit request and be approved by PLU Catering. Submit Request for Self-Catered Event form. More on Policy HERE.3+ weeks out
PotlucksMust print out and display required potluck signage. NOTE: Potlucks at PLU must be private events with a guess list of 25 people or less. More on Policy HERE.1+ week out
Potlucks – sign up formRecommend sharing a sign up form for people to indicate what they will contribute2+ weeks out
Food TrucksMust request approval from Hospitality Services by emailing catering@plu.edu. More on Food Truck Policy HERE.30+ business days prior to the event. (7-6 weeks out)
AlcoholMust complete the Application for Campus Event with Alcohol (ACEA) AND add “Alcohol Service” to EMS reservation. NOTE: Alcohol is only availible through 208 Garfield. More about Alcohol Service on Campus Process HERE.3+ weeks out
Cooking for CommunityMust adhere to food safety guidelines and have a person with a food handlers permit on hand. NOTE: Cooking for community must be a private event for groups no more than 25 people and are only allowed in residence hall kitchens.3+ weeks out
Self-Catered Event – Submit Food handlers cardsMust submit Food handlers cards after you have received approval to self-cater your event. More on Policy HERE.1+ week out – submit
Invitation to Guest SpeakerRecommend reaching out as soon as possible to coordinate schedules.4+ weeks out
Honorarium to Guest Speaker/PerformerMust fill Payment Requests Form, attach contract or other payment info. Must attach IRS Form W-9 required for first-time U.S. citizen/entity payees (excluding student/faculty/staff)3+ Weeks out, prior to the date of payment
Performers (paid & unpaid)Must engage the Contract review process4+ weeks out, initiate as soon as possible
Request Parking PassMust email parking@plu.edu to create a parking pass. Please share name of the guest, the PLU contact for us to reach out to if there is an issue while they are parked here, and the day(s) that they will need to have passes valid.3+ days in advance
Final communicationRecommend sending agenda, parking pass, on campus contact info, how to get to & park on campus1 week out
Write speaker bioRecommended to create a thoughtful introduction of your guest including who they are and why you chose to invite them.1 week out
Thank youRecommend following up with a personal email or card1 week post event
Political and controversial speakersMUST contact Student Life at slif@plu.edu for review if you will be brining any political and/or controversial speakers to campus as part of your event.4+ weeks out
Gather suppliesRecommended to gather supplies early ensures that everything needed for an event is available and ready, avoiding last-minute stress and potential shortages. Early preparation allows for better organization and the ability to address any unforeseen issues in advance. Networking to get additional help brings in more resources, ideas, and support, making the event more successful and manageable.4+ weeks out
Printed Handouts – Copy CenterMust complete a Copy Center Request Form 2 days
Raffles/Drawing/Games of ChanceMust review policies and contact Risk Services at risk@plu.edu to request an evaluation8+ weeks out
Event with physical activity or is inherently dangerousMust review policies and contact Risk Services at risk@plu.edu to request an evaluation13+ weeks out
Inflatables, Rides, Games, & other attractionsMust review policies and contact Risk Services at risk@plu.edu to request an evaluation8+ weeks out
MoviesMust follow specific guidelines for distributing non-academic literature. Learn more about showing films at PLU HERE.4+ Weeks Out
Signed WaiversMUST be given to department head (and held by 7 years)1 week post event
Minors at your eventMUST review PLU’s Minors on Campus Policy contact Risk Services at risk@plu.edu for consultation13+ weeks out
PLU provided Travel (Van, Bus and other public transportation)Must have all participants complete a waiver for Off Campus Travel. If your event has activities in addition to travel that include physical activity or is inherently dangerous, please follow those waiver guidelines.Day of event or before
Off Campus Travel – someone not traveling back with groupMust have individual read and fill out a departure waiverDay of event or before
Off campus event – Emergency Information TemplateMust complete the Emergency Information Template for overnight trip and leave with department head, Recommended to complete for day tripDay of event or before
Van rental – Driver AuthorizationMust have a driver who has completed their PLU Driver Authorization2+ Weeks out
Public TransitUsing Public Transportation is highly encourage and should be set up for an event as early as possible4+ weeks out
Van Rental – Reserving a vanMust reserve PLU vans through Facilities Management or Enterprise. Learn more about PLU Vehicle Rentals HERE.4+ weeks out
Purchasing suppliesRecommended to submit purchasing requests to point person. Recommend partnering with a staff/faculty member who has a PLU purchasing card.2+ Weeks Out or more depending on vendor
Cash needed in advance for purchasingMust fill Expense Advance Authorization Form24hr prior to event by email to Business Office Cashier
Reimbursement – less than $75Must fill ASAP Cash Reimbursement Form, get signature from Financial Manager, attach receipt or invoice, and turn into Business OfficeAfter purchase for event was made. Schedule a time to connect with financial manager for signature.
Reimbursement – Greater than $75Must fill ASAP Payment Requests FormAfter purchase for event was made, can take up to 2 weeks to process.
Cashbox for eventsMust fill Event Cash Advance Form AND reach out to Campus Life (engage@plu.edu) to reserve Cashbox. Must develop a plan for locking cash up for safety.4+ Weeks Out
SARF FundingMust submit a SARF application for funding consideration (for students only). SARF applications are reviewed on a rolling basis during the academic year and it is encouraged to apply as early as possible. Learn more about funding criteria and complete SARF application for consideration HERE.5+ weeks out
Gift Account Set UpMust contact Katie Curtis, Director of Fundraising Operations,
at katie.curtis@plu.edu for next steps if this is your groups first time fundraising.
Book SalesIf needed reach out to Lute Locker bkst@plu.edu1 month out
Bake SaleMust submit a Notification of Bake Sale form to PLU Catering at least two weeks in advance of the sale.2+ weeks out
Taking credit/debit payment – Reserve CloversMust connect with Financial Services to check out Clover card readers (faculty & staff only) Must connect with Campus Life to check out Clover mini card readers (Clubs & Orgs)4+ weeks out
In Person Advertising
Poster distribution to IMPACT BoardsMUST drop off 30 prints that meet the campus poster distribution requirements + attach contact information form. Learn about IMPACT distribution HERE.2-3 weeks before ideal distribution date
Design request – IMPACTMUST submit a Creative Request10+ days prior to the ideal distribution date (2 weeks out)
Quick copy request – IMPACTMust fill Quick Copy Form10+ days prior to the ideal distribution date (2 weeks out)
The Commons Table Top AdsMust fill Table Ad Request4+ weeks prior to ideal distribution date
AUC Cork BoardsMust get approval from Campus Life prior to hanging4+ weeks out
Residence Halls & The CAVEMust ask for advertising approval by Community Directors3 weeks out
Digital Advertising
Campus Calendar – LocalistMust work with a Localist admin to add event to the campus calendar (Advisors, Administrative Staff, Campus Life). This will generate a website for your event that can be shared broadly. This should be created as soon as possible. You will need event details and an image.4+ weeks out
IMPACT Digital Display AdsMust submit a digital display ad request form. Advertisement space is available on two monitors in the Anderson University Center and occasionally on three other monitors in the Hauge Administration Building, Olson Gymnasium and Auditorium, and Mortvedt Library. Customers can purchase daily or weekly ad space and either request or upload their own ads for display.1+ week out
Campus NewslettersProvost Newsletter:
Staff Council:
THRIVE Newsletter:
Campus Ministry email: cmin@plu.edu
DJS Digest email: djs@plu.edu
Mast Media AdsMust contact the Mast at mast@plu.edu
Social MediaRecommend a social media engagement strategy that builds interest and shares key details of your event4+ weeks out
Chalking – approvalMust review policy for chalking on campus and seek approval from Campus Life. Chalk advertisements for events may appear no more than one week prior to the event.2+ weeks out
TablingMust reserve through EMS or events@plu.edu.2+ weeks out, prior to hopeful tabling date
Classroom AnnouncementsMust connect directly with the faculty member to ask if you are able to make an announcement in class or send it out via a class listserve1+ weeks out