Political Science capstones 2020
``Voting Habits of College Age Students``
``Women's Suffrage and Institutional Changes``
``Climate Changing Attitudes``
``Containing Contagion: The Politicization of Pandemics Using IR Theory``
``A Digital Bellwether``
``Trump: Flaming Liberal?``
``The Effects of Ex-Felon Enfranchisement Policy on Voting Demographics``
``Nationalism and its Role in the 2016 Election``
``Navigating the Emerging Geopolitics of the Arctic``
``How Extractive Industries Affect Indigenous Women``
``The Impact of Presidential Campaign Visits on Election Outcomes``
``Localization of the agri-food industry a solution?``
``District 26: Using Data to Create a Campaign Strategy``
``The Potential Political Effects of Biased Teaching in Social Studies and History``
``Electronic Voting Methods``
``Capstone: Environmental Lobbying``
``Global Warming as a Social Issue: The Impact on Humanity``
``Polls and Their Effect on the Public``
``Can a Woman Win?``
``Partisanship, Power, and Politics``