A Semester in Chengdu

Coming into PLU my freshman year, I knew that I wanted to studyEvan doing a backflip on the Great Wall of China away in China at some point during my time here. As a Chinese Studies major, I knew that learning about China, in China would be essential for my overall understanding of Chinese language, culture, and politics. Although I always saw myself studying in China as an undergrad, living and learning in Chengdu, China for four months provided me with a unique opportunity to challenge my views on the world and engage with important global issues.

There is something inherent in studying away that facilitates a shift in how you view the world and your part in our increasingly interconnected globe. Although I cannot speak for all study away programs, for me, Chengdu challenged me to think critically about issues of political representation, economic advancement, and globalization not only locally in China, but back home in the US as well.

Because of my study away experience in China, I am better equipped to think critically, participate in, and contribute to dialogues about the topics that connect us all, all while I experienced some of the best food the world has to offer!

-Article by Evan Koepfler