Give To What You Love - The Well Project

Imagine you are a present PLU student and want to blend your heart for serving others with a unique experience that allows you to integrate your coursework, passion, and care via an international experiential learning project. You see the PLU Well Project offered through PLU’s award-winning School of Business.

This unique field experience will happen in a community that has requested collaboration, and the project will work under the direction of the community leadership. A well that will provide decades of clean water will be a game changer for this community, particularly the health that can flow to newborns, young children, and the elderly – typically those who are most vulnerable to bacteria and chemicals found in unclean sources of water. Further, the WASH (WAter, Sanitation, and Hygiene) principles recommended by the World Health Organization are foundations of health training sessions provided by the team to youth and adults (separately) to build knowledge and healthy practices. Clean water is important, though how clean water is used is transformative.

You are a bit nervous, though the training provided as part of the program by interdisciplinary PLU faculty that shares about the country, region, politics, culture, and customs is very helpful. You begin to understand the foundation of Transformative Learning Theory, the theoretical and applied foundation for this course, from Dr. Mulder. You realize that this is so much more than a trip, and it was carefully designed in ways you did not initially imagine.

The day comes for the travel, and you have not only packed your suitcase, but you have also prepared your questions about the experience as they relate to your major, your future academic plans, and how you might want to serve via your career. As the van pulls up to the community, you step out of the van with a mix of nervousness, anticipation, clothing ready to get muddy – and most importantly – an open heart…

In the PLU School of Business, experiential learning programs such as the PLU Well Project are integral parts of the student experience. They provide learning opportunities via thoughtful design and preparation, classrooms at PLU, and classrooms around the world. Hear it from the voices and perspectives of past PLU Well Project participants via this short video.

Your gift to the School of Business Dean’s Fund helps us provide transformative experiences like the PLU Well Project for our students. It’s a wonderful investment that pays dividends not only for the community via clean water and health education but also for our students as they consider their experience and vocation, for decades to come.

Thanks to a generous match by the School of Business Executive Advisory Board,  your gift may be doubled to provide 2x the impact!

[Helpful Directions: When you click this button, you will be taken to our donation site: 

Please choose Academics, then School of Business Dean’s Fund to designate your gift.]