SGID Sessions

SGID (Small Group Instructional Dialogue) consultants consist of PLU faculty trained to guide students through a reflective process regarding their learning at mid-semester. Consultations and reports are confidential and completed at the request of individual faculty. SGID feedback lets you know your students’ perceptions of your course while time remains to make changes or correct misconceptions.

Goals of SGID

  • To further student learning
  • To assure anonymous, confidential, timely exchange between teachers & students on their mutual perceptions of courses-in-progress
  • To support teaching as a communicative art

Who sponsors SGIDs?

  • The Office of the Provost sponsors workshops on conducting the SGID and assists in scheduling.
  • SGID feedback is strictly confidential and is seen only by the SGID consultant and the individual who makes the request. SGID feedback cannot be used in tenure and promotion reviews.
  • SGID consultants & recipients can identify themselves as participants in the process to document commitment to teaching. But, SGID content remains confidential.

How does the SGID process work?

  • Our policy is to schedule one SGID per faculty member (per semester). Please select the one course where SGID feedback would be most useful to you.
  • Consultants take a maximum of 40-50 minutes of class time. With the instructor absent, students work in small groups to identify course features that facilitate or impede learning and discuss possible changes.
  • The consultant and the whole class then generate a list of descriptive features and recommendations. Together they determine the degree of consensus on each issue.
  • The SGID consultant conveys the content of the discussion to the course instructor.

When are SGID sessions available?

  • Fall semester sessions are available between October 1 and November 1
  • Spring semesters sessions are available between March 1 and April 1

Current faculty SGID consultants:

  • Cathy Kim, Education
  • Kevin O’Brien, Religion
  • Amanda Sweger, Theatre & Dance
  • Bridget Yaden, Hispanic and Latino Studies

Interested in serving as a SGID faculty consultant? Please contact the Office of the Provost (

Ready to Sign-Up?

Request an SGID consultation!

Registration for spring semester sessions is open now! Consultations will be scheduled to take place October 1 – November 1 for fall courses, or March 1 – April 1 for spring courses.

SGID Printable Flyer

Printable/Downloadable SGID Flyer


Questions? Please contact the Office of the Provost at (253)535-7126 or