University Violence Prevention Policy

Providing a Safe and Secure Campus: Preventing Workplace & Campus Violence (July 2024)

Introduction and Purpose

The university, its employees and students, strive to provide a safe and secure learning, living and work environment in an atmosphere which respects each person’s dignity. Toward this end, the university will take appropriate action against anyone who is found to have engaged in threatening or violent behavior on campus or at university-sponsored programs or events. Employees and students are responsible for reporting situations that are, or could become, threatening. 

Verbal threats, threatening behavior, or acts of violence by an employee, student or other member of the campus community against other employees, students, vendors, or campus visitors will not be tolerated. Persons found to have violated this policy are subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including potential dismissal. Arrest and criminal prosecution by off-campus authorities are also possible. 

Threats or acts of violence will be taken seriously. Reported threats and acts of violence are investigated by the university. Employees, students or other members of the campus community who are found to have made substantial threats, exhibited threatening behavior, or engaged in violent acts on university property are subject to removal from the campus as quickly as safety permits. 

For the purpose of this policy, employees include all faculty, administrators, staff, temporary employees, and student workers; students include any enrolled student. The prohibitions in this policy apply to all members of the campus community, including employees, students, and volunteers. 

Prohibited Behavior

While it is not possible to describe all the actions which might constitute threatening or violent behavior or a risk to safety and security, the following behaviors are strictly forbidden in the workplace or on the PLU campus: 

  • Using threatening, intimidating, or abusive language and/or gestures. 
  • Using or possessing firearms, explosives, knives, or any other type of weapon. 
  • Stalking or similarly harassing behavior toward employees, students, or campus visitors.
  • Destroying or damaging university property, computer files, and/or other acts of workplace sabotage. 
  • Assaulting or physically attacking another person. 
  • Verbally threatening to harm another person or destroy property. 
  • Possessing or consuming illegal drugs. 
  • Possessing or consuming alcoholic beverages outside of the permissible locations.
  • Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. 

Reporting Requirements

  1. Students and employees are required to notify Campus Safety immediately at ext. 7911 if they observe the following:
    1. A life-threatening situation that is in progress (physical confrontation, robbery, etc.);
    2. An act of violence or threat in the workplace, residence halls or on campus property;
    3. A threat of domestic violence potentially affecting the campus environment;
    4. Any action or conduct that is imminently threatening or violent or that has the potential to become threatening or violent.
    5. The presence on campus of any person who is the subject of a Restricted from Campus order, a Restraining or Anti-Harassment order that lists the university as a restricted location.
    6. Students and employees are required to notify Campus Safety promptly in the event that they have secured a Restraining or Anti-Harassment Order that lists the university as a restricted location.
  2. Employees are required to notify their supervisors promptly of any action noted in a-e above. In turn, supervisors are required to notify Campus Safety of any threats of which they are informed and any threats they receive or witness themselves.
  3.  Students and employees are required to notify Campus Safety promptly in the event that they have secured a Restraining or Anti-Harassment Order that lists the university as a restricted location. 
  4. All students and employees are required to complete a University Violence Prevention Report Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities) or with their workplace supervisor. The completed report must be filed with Campus Safety.
  5. Other members of the PLU community, including volunteers, are strongly encouraged to follow these same reporting procedures if they observe acts of violence or threatening situations.
  6.  Campus Safety will notify Human Resources in a timely manner regarding reports and information shared with them. 
  7. The university will use reported information with as much discretion as possible-balancing privacy with the need to provide a safe, secure environment.


Student Life staff members are available to consult with, assist and/or refer students with any issues related to the behaviors or procedures noted above. 

Human Resources staff members are available to consult with, assist, and/or refer employees and supervisors regarding: 

  • Talking through difficult situations and determining what next steps might be appropriate
  • Referring employees to the Employee Assistance Program or other services for support in counseling, anger management, or mediation. 
  • Documenting and managing sensitive performance issues. 

Supervisors are directed to seek the assistance of Human Resources and/or Campus Safety during potentially high-risk situations, such as employee dismissals, work restructuring, or instances in which an employee’s medical condition may be a contributing factor. 

Human Resources and Student Life will coordinate and conduct periodic training sessions regarding measures to prevent violence, recognizing early warning signs of a troubled or potentially violent person, and procedures for responding to and reporting such incidents. 

Office Phone / Contact Numbers Contact For
Campus Safety Non-emergency, 253-535-7441 

Emergency, dial 7911

  • Emergency assistance
  • Reporting threats and acts of violence
Human Resources 253-535-7185 (Front Desk)
  • Consultation for employee situations
  • Referral to support services
SRR  253-535-7462
  • Consultation for student concerns
  • Consultation for residence hall, campus and classroom situations

Retaliation Prohibited

The university will not tolerate any retaliation against any person who reports or participates in the investigation of a situation under this policy. Any person who is found to have engaged in retaliation prohibited by this policy is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including immediate dismissal and exclusion from campus.

Not a Contract

No part of this policy is intended to, or shall be construed to, limit the university’s right to manage its workforce or address student conduct issues, operate the university or to handle specific situations based on the specific facts involved. This policy is not, and shall not be, construed as a contractual commitment on behalf of or to any person.