Instructions for Scheduling your Recital and Jury

The instructions below briefly outline the process for scheduling your recital and recital jury dates. Please note that this process begins in the semester prior to the recital. For a more thorough description see the Music Department Student Handbook. A downloadable excerpt from that handbook is attached here for your convenience.


1. Discuss the timing of your recital with your studio instructor during the semester prior to the recital. (Your academic advisor can help you determine when your required degree recitals should be scheduled.)

2. Also during the semester prior to the recital (or by October 11, if the recital is to be given in the fall; and by December 13, if in the spring semester), see Ryan Marsh in the Music Office to schedule your recital and jury dates. You will be given some alternative times for both events.

3. Discuss these dates and times with all of the people involved in your recital — accompanist(s), ensemble members and your studio instructor. Make sure they are all available for both the recital and the jury before you commit to specific dates.

4. Confirm the dates that you want with Ryan in order to get your events on the schedule.

Note: It is your responsibility to make sure you have a firm date and that all of your personnel will be there.