
PLU is responsible for protecting its employees from the effects of wildfire smoke by ensuring timely training is provided and that exposure controls are in place to mitigate the smoke as much as is feasible.  This Plan is implemented, maintained, and updated as necessary by PLU EH&S.

Supervisor Responsibilities

During times that high smoke levels are predicted, supervisors shall check the AQI at the start of shift and periodically throughout the day.  Supervisors must respond promptly when the AQI level reaches 151.  They are also responsible for responding to AQI notifications and alerts from EH&S or Risk Services, and provide those they supervise with information regarding the air quality before and during their shifts.  They must also act if an employee exhibits adverse symptoms of wildfire smoke exposure, including encouraging further exposure controls, and initiating appropriate emergency response procedures if their condition worsens.

Employee Responsibilities

Employees should notify their supervisors if they notice declining air quality.  They should also report any adverse symptoms that may be the result of wildfire smoke exposure such as asthma attacks, difficulty breathing, and chest pain.