Course Failure

1. The Recruitment, Admission and Progression Committee (RAP) reviews the record of every student receiving a failing grade in a course; this record includes the faculty’s evaluation and the student’s entire educational record. Course faculty is consulted when appropriate.
2. Students must provide a copy of Petition to RAP Committee: Course Failure form describing the issue in detail and any plan for future success to the chair of the Committee prior to the date of the next RAP meeting.
3. Students may ask to appear before the RAP Committee with a faculty advocate, if desired, to present their situation. The student and/or faculty advocate does not remain for the Committee deliberations.
4. After all available documentation has been reviewed, and all parties concerned have had the opportunity to voice concerns, the Committee will make its recommendation to the Dean.
5. Nursing students will receive a written statement from the Dean as to the final decision. Letters sent to students placed on academic probation will have identified areas of difficulty and stated specific expectations to be met; the student’s probationary status and consequences; and the minimum level of competency to be achieved for successful completion of the course and further progression.
6. Copies of the letter will be sent to the student, appropriate faculty, and the student’s faculty advisor, and added to the student’s educational record in the School of Nursing. Copies may also be sent to the appropriate university officials.
7. Upon receipt of notification of successful completion of the courses for which the student was originally placed on probation, the RAP Committee will notify the student that the terms of the probation have been met and that they is again in good standing in the School of Nursing.