Clinical Placement

Progression to clinical placement is a privilege dependent upon successful completion of previous required classroom, lab, and clinical experiences. All clinical placements are coordinated through Clinical Placement Northwest Consortium and/or independently with non-consortium agencies. At no time is a student to seek out their own preceptor or placement. Failure to abide by this policy may result in loss of clinical placement opportunities. In addition, clinical health requirements and essential qualifications must be met each semester prior to beginning clinical experiences.

The School of Nursing uses a variety of clinical sites. To accommodate all students, the School of Nursing may offer clinical coursework in evenings, nights, weekends, summer or J-term, and students are required to enroll when clinical course is made available to their cohort. At times, due to agency, preceptor and/or School of Nursing requirements, choices may not be available. Students unable to participate in the clinical courses offered will not be able to progress in the program.

While clinical hours are listed at registration, please be aware that clinical hours and placements may change. The Clinical Placement Coordinator or Director of Nursing Services will communicate sites and pre-placement requirements as they are available.

The Clinical Placement Coordinator and lead faculty will make decisions regarding all placement requests. Clinical placement assignments are subject to change after registration, if necessary, to meet agency and School needs. Clinical assignments may not be changed by the student. Ideally, clinical placements are not in a setting in which students are employed. Students may not count hours for which they are paid as clinical hours.

Precepted students will coordinate with their clinical preceptor for specific clinical days/times and communicate this information with their clinical faculty. Students are expected to be available for clinical hours based upon preceptor schedule and availability. If, for some reason, there is a conflict in preceptor availability and scheduled class times, the student should discuss this issue with the clinical faculty to seek resolution.

Clinical placement is based upon student learning needs and clinical site/preceptor availability. Students may be required to travel to their clinical site and transportation to and from the clinical site is the responsibility of the student. At times, based upon student learning needs and clinical site/preceptor availability, this travel may exceed an hour or more.