For Benefits Eligible Employees (.50 FTE and above)
Updated December 2022
Whenever inclement weather creates hazardous travel conditions, university employees and students are urged to use caution and personal discretion. In extreme weather situations, the university may decide to cancel classes and/or close the university. A determination will be made by 6:00 a.m. for morning and afternoon classes, and by 1:00 p.m. for evening classes and activities. Visit or call the campus closure hotline, (877) 322-0872, for information regarding the status of PLU’s hours of operation. Notice will also be given to Public Schools Emergency Communication System (PSECS).
Since the university is a resident campus some services are essential as long as students are in residence. Employees in departments providing services to resident students should check with their supervisors as to attendance policies during such closures.
No employee will lose pay as a result of an official closure.
In the event of a closure, hourly non-exempt employees who can work from home may, but are not required to do so. If an employee does work remotely, they will receive only regular pay for hours worked. Those who cannot or do not work remotely will not be expected to work and should record weather closure on your timesheet.
If a non-exempt hourly employee has prior approval (often these are referred to as essential employees) and is required to come to campus during a closure/late start, you will receive extra compensation for the hours worked. If the weather event doesn’t impact your work (e.g. employees working out state), employees should continue their work as usual.
Exempt staff are expected to work the hours needed to complete the tasks of their job.
Employees unable to report for work due to weather conditions on days when the university is open should report those days on their time sheet as vacation, sick leave or leave without pay.