Quick Starts and Online Tutorials

These brief quick-starts, tutorials, and summaries explain basic tools and tasks of our supported applications.

You may reinforce your learning by:

  • Replaying the tutorial
  • Pausing the tutorial (use the control bar just below the tutorial screen–the Pause button has 2 vertical bars) and open a document on which to practice
  • Opening the instructional summary on selected tutorials

If you need further assistance, please contact the Help Desk at helpdesk@plu.edu or 253-535-7525. We will be happy to provide individual or group training or consultation based on your unique individual support needs.


  • Email Differences – IMAP vs. POP

Microsoft Office (versions 2003 through 2013)
For the following  applications Office GFC Free Learning tutorials: Click here

  • Access
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Word

Netstor – PLU’s Network File Storage

  • Map to Netstor and Create a Shortcut

Phone & Voicemail